The following post of
How low ? How often? How come? How low, How often?
longest running AAA light? Longest running AAA
BLF EM1....blf designed emergency light... BLF Emergency light
Got me thinking (again) about primary cells and emergency light. I was going to kill some primary cells in a few of Vampire lights (low level test). But then I noticed my Duracell 123 primary setting on my work bench. Its the cell I use test reflows. Then I thought about my Partner C1 with the DrJones H17f driver. Its my favorite clicky UI>
H17F H17F - programmable driver with full thermal regulation
I thought to myself. What if? Then I thought ok lets test it. But how?? From the How low? Thread there are many that use way less then a lumen. Ok for navigating in pitch dark. From the longest running AAA light thread the lumens vary by light.
Then I thought hey, I am setting her with Lumintop Tool V1 on my head with the diffuser using it as a headlamp. I can see at arms length, I can navigate the basement. I am on low(8 lumens). I also believe every EDC light should have a 8-15 lumen level.
So I set my Partner to the closest to 8 lumens I could. Ended up being 9 lumens.
Anyone interested in let say a Emisar D4 on a primary?
Anyone interested in testing other lights are welcome to post results.
RESULTS initial
9 lumens lasted for 7 hours then stepped down to 3 lumens.
3 lumens lasted for 15 hours then stepped down to 1 lumen.
1 lumen lasted 17 hours before going out.
Checked the voltage the next day and it was 2.85. Did it recover some?
I have now changed the H17F to level 4. It is still making usable light(night stand duty) on the same cell above.