I want to order the black Skyray King light that Ric-CNQ here is selling. The problem is on the order form I can’t enter my city/state. It only asks for my zip code but on many systems the city that is pulled up for that zip code is wrong. So I am afraid to order anything from CNQ or Fancylights. The CNQ/Fancy web sites do not tell you what the city/state that it will be using is. I have sent Ric a PM but I have not heard anything back from him. If I use Paypal, will the Paypal address be used to ship to or will the CNQ address be used to ship?
Also, is there any code I can enter to get a BLF discount on a black Skyray king??
when you made payment through paypal, paypal will send email to CNQ, goods will be shipped to the address which you sign on the Paypal.
Please don’t worry, goods will be arrived in your address smoothly and safety.
I have another strange problem - i couldn’t email CNQ. I get back: MAILER-DAEMON @ yahoo.com and with another email account of another provider the same: MAILER-DAEMON @ mailout-de.gmx.net
The first lines of both emails:
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mailout-de.gmx.net.
I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
It starts with GMX. I couldn’t send CNQ an information. After this I use yahoo and it works at the beginning. After 3-4 emails (Merry has some questions about my order) I get the similar information as with the GMX email account.
So any email from that Yahoo Europe server is being rejected. Other Yahoo Europe servers may not be blocked, so it may be intermittent for you.
If you pay for the service complain, if not, advise them, and do not worry, it’s a regular occurrence with many ISPs including Australia’s largest, bigpond.