Problem with Convoy L2

I hope this is the section for troubleshooting, but I think it’s fairly easy to troubleshoot this.

Last night I took the dogs out to do their thing and the L2 shut itself off. It wasn’t even being jostled or anything. It was tucked into my armpit and I was just standing there not moving. I figured it was the LVP kicking in, so I put the unprotected battery in the charger and was told it was at 3.97v . I charged it anyway. I put the battery back in after it was full and the light works fine again. I’ve been using the light for months and there is nothing wrong with it; no loose connections or anything else. Obviously I’d like to use a 4500mah battery more fully than just taking the top off of the charge and needing to recharge. BTW, this is the first time I’ve had LVP kick in with this light as I don’t use it very much.

All I can come up with is that the driver or a chip in the driver is either bad or programmed incorrectly.


Did it not work after it mysteriously turned off if you tried to turn it off and back on? What battery are you using? Maybe it isn’t LVP. Try different cells at different states of charge to see if it’s LVP.

I didn’t try to turn it off and on. I just took it in and put it on the charger. They are unprotected Basen 4500mah.

Thanks. I’ll try that last test you proposed. Why didn’t I think of that? :person_facepalming:

So I put a battery that is at 3.88v in the light and the light works fine.

I’m posting, then I’m going to make sure everything is screwed home solidly.

Edit: The switch retainer was snug or better. The ring that retains the driver needed a partial turn to snug it down. How tight should they be? They’ll expand with heat, correct?

Could that have caused it?

But anyway, I’ll have my eye on it. I think I’ll use it every night for a time to use the battery and light, with a spare light in my pocket of course.


Yes, I think the loose retainer ring (or some other simple break in the circuit) probably caused the problem. I tighten mine down pretty snugly.

Thanks! OK, I snugged it down a bit more. It kept moving slowly maybe it was digging into the solder?