PROJECT VY canis. I will be calling it named after one of the largest known stars. i think i have most bases covered but this will be the first time that i am doing a 6V led mod. i will be using sky ray king batt tubes and SRK head with 4x reflector. SRK FET driver and 4x xhp70. All i am hoping for is 10k + lumens and i think that can be easily achieved if not much more lol…
A few questions i have
is it ok to run 8 18650 in series? i mean 4 at the bottom and 4 on top = 8.4v (i see OL runs 2s 6p?)=8.4v?
will it be ok to run 8.4v through that SRK driver (it was designed for 4.2v)
wish me luck.
[ UPDATE 11/6]
Got some more work done on it. I got my local engineer to machine up a battery tube connector in bronze. When I put the two tubes together the batts wouldn’t make it to the driver so I made up a custom -pcb and made it all copper just waiting on new springs. I have ordered a FET driver from Richard at mountain electronics and 4 leds. Just a waiting game now.
Update 24/6
Getting there. So I decided to go and put copper on the batt side of the slave driver Reason being that I didn’t know how good that original driver would conduct with high current. Plus it just adds to the weight and cool factor. As you can also see I have replaced the batt- pcb and now it’s all copper!!! I will be putting springs on top of those pedastols reason being that the batts would not fit with the extension. I piggybacked a FET 2S + momentary 20mm with moppydrv (e switch) from Richard MTN. so I am still waiting on him to get some more 16mm xhp 70 in stock. Till then.THINK OUTSIDE THE CAGE.
I think you are asking about 2s4p does not matter where they are, it matters how they are connected.
and running 8.4 “through” the srk will very likely make it give you magic smoke.
Yes as a rule doubeling the number of cells and going from 4.2 to 6v emitters devation from mfg spec will make smoke. It sounds like you need 4, 2s 6v drivers or a custom design.
2 in series. In your case, with the extra tube, 2 in series, (up & down) and 4 sets of 2S, in parallel, (side by side), makes it 8 cells. 8.4v. The SRK FET driver needs to be modified to accept 8.4V. It will not do it stock, unless you made/ordered it for 8.4 volt to begin with. RMM should be able to supply the components, which are a voltage regulator and extra capacitors.
With a FET driver, it will try to give out maximum amps to the leds, Direct Drive on high. This will result, (with the right high drain cells), at about 6+ amps per led, or more, for a total of 25-30 amps, but you can control that some, by only using 22ga ro 24ga wires on the leds. With that much power comes heat. The SRK should overheat within a minute or two run time on high. You will know because you will no longer be able to hold the light. Just try to hit the off switch before you drop it.
Don't forget to do the resistance mod on the springs or they will turn red, then black and then loose all their spring tension.
The FET driver board may be thinner than the stock driver board, so you may have to add solder to the back side, where it seats in the head, to raise it up to the same level as stock.
Well, you did say 4X XHP70 didn’t you? Those emitters are capable of well over 5000 lumens each. Look at this build thread from O-L. That was merely a triple XHP-70 monster! Scroll down to the bottom of the OP for beamshots. Also, if you look at post #101 there, Dale mentions that he (Dale) has hit over 20,000 lumens from a triple XHP-70 BTU Shocker that he built. So, when I say you should get over 20,000 lumens from a quad, I’m being conservative. :bigsmile:
Loving this concept of power. Definitely a “field artillery” cannon of LED light.
I just recently ordered XHP50 and XHP70s to fool around with. I am going to run a big prototype driver to test the XHP70 at 9/10/11A and see if it is still gaining noticeably well up past 9A. I suspect XHP50 will top out at 7-8A due to thermal proximity limitations as opposed to if it were 4 separate XP-G2 chips spaced apart.
Would be nice to see just where the XHP50 and XHP70 top out on output.
I also ordered a 300mm diameter fresnel lens with a bunch of my new aspheric lenses. I am going to put an XHP70 behind the fresnel and see if a little de-focus in the setup will give a nice solid projection from the XHP70. I think it just might work, since there is somewhat of a diffusion effect from the fresnel lens. Hoping for a round projection without a big cross-shape in the middle.
Good luck with this. I’ll be watching for the final outcome. I’m sure it will cook a plate of eggs if needed while camping.
Getting there. So I decided to go and put copper on the batt side of the slave driver Reason being that I didn’t know how good that original driver would conduct with high current. Plus it just adds to the weight and cool factor. As you can also see I have replaced the batt- pcb and now it’s all copper!!! I will be putting springs on top of those pedastols reason being that the batts would not fit with the extension. I piggybacked a FET 2S + momentary 20mm with moppydrv (e switch) from Richard MTN. so I am still waiting on him to get some more 16mm xhp 70 in stock. Till then.THINK OUTSIDE THE CAGE.
Wow it’s been so long since I gave up on this project. I did complete this torch. But it was way to HOT!! It just melted everything!! Could only run it for about 10sec. Then solder would melt. I also had major issues with short circuiting on the reflector. I should have used xhp50. I guess this light did upwards of 15k Lumen’s it was very impressive until it wasn’t