Proposed Improvements to Convoy's user interface(s).

Sounds like de-cluttering the mode groups (making blinkies & mode reversing have separate toggles instead of being separate groups) is the right solution. It would open up more space for other mode groups like ones with a 70% mode.

That or maybe even move back to the approach of some of the earlier firmwares that had some of this baked in. Bistro being one, where Convoy forked and evolved. Dr. Jones had some good ideas. MTN still flashes most of them. Honestly I don’t really have any glaring issues with any of Simon’s UI designs. They aren’t necessarily perfect but they work well for practical use (he does need to tweak that ramping to improve that, though).

I know my ideas are too far fetched probably, but as someone mentioned earlier in this thread a wireless connectivity would be the best and would put an end to long discussions like this where everyone wants a different set of power outputs and a combination of other settings where even customizations provided by Convoy will never satisfy everyone. With bluetooth chips being very small I believe there would be room for them in most torches.

Imagine having a mobile and desktop app where you can program the torch for any number of modes, in any order, light intensity customizable down to fractional precision, mode memory, shortcuts, strobes/SOS/whatever with any frequency and whatever setting anyone would want. Such a torch could be sold set to a simple 4-mode operation suitable for most non-enthusiast folks while anyone could install the app and customize the torch to their hearts content with a convenient screen UI - without having technical knowledge of modding, firmwares, flashing, etc. I have this dream! :smiley:

Would up the price a bit! Firmware/setting uploads via USB charging port may be more simple. It would require quite a bit of R&D though, which again would increase cost.