PSA: anyone with a "new" TS10, do *NOT* flash it with TK's "ts10-rgbaux" firmware, or turbo will fry its LEDs!!!

Your fix is better, so I reverted my fix and merged yours into trunk. Thanks for taking care of this.

1 Thank

There’s a preflash?

Do you mean the cell strength measurement flash when inserting a battery, or something else?

2 Thanks

I’ve never noticed a pre-flash with any of my D3AAs.

If you turn them on in moonlight, they will flicker for half a second before stabilizing. But this flicker is the same brightness as the moonlight mode so it’s not a problem.

discussed in this thread:

some redditors are aware of the preflash:
discussed here
“a flash when turning on when set to the bottom of the ramp”

and here

try turning it on in a dark room at any sublumen output below level 20/150 (below 0.8 lumens)

  1. my experience w both my D3AA (one w DD 4500K 519a, and one w sw45k) is there is a slight preflash on moonlight below 0.8 lumens

  2. when using smooth ramping, going up through the 10 lumen level there is a blip in the ramp (thefreeman says this is caused by the DAC and his use of two sense resistors instead of three)

  3. and then from 11 lumens up to 40 lumens there is slight preflash at turn on… not above 45 lumens, and not between 1 lumen and 10 lumens.

the preflashes when first turning on the light, #1 and #3, happen in both smooth ramp and in stepped ramp. It also happens regardless whether the light is set to Enabled Smooth Steps or Disabled Smooth Steps.

Maybe preflash is the incorrect technical term for the flicker or flash I see at turn on, with my two D3AA.

My two TS10, have no change in brightness when turning on, and no blip, or dip in the ramp, when ramping past 10 lumens…

Update: First report Ive seen of an Aluminum (Black) TS10 w the 50% FET Firmware

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