Pulsars giveaway - WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

Yeah, like I have morals :bigsmile:

Congrats on the win Gords! Thanks to Pulsar and OL for the giveaway, and to Cone for giving up his prize!

Congratulations, Gords!

Thanks OL, Pulsar and Cone for this.

Congrats, gords, couldn’t befall a more nobler…gords might be getting a big noodle… :beer: Cheers!

Congrats! If you get bored of it in a couple of years, remember to give it away :slight_smile:

It’s mine I tell you, all mine! _ heads off to deep dark cave clutching lights, cells and charger set up……_

congrats, Gords!

Congrats Gords, and thanks to those involved, an expanding list, for this giveaway :slight_smile:

yeah, we got nitro for helping me get the host, old lumens for fitting me in to his schedule to get it modded into a work of art, cone for passing it on, and gords for accepting the work of art… and the one that inspired me to go all out on a giveaway for all you. thanks all :party:

This is another story, why I love the forum. A winner give he awesome price to another one.

Congratulations, gords1001!

This is why it’s fun to enter contests here even if you don’t win. I had a rough week at work, but after reading this I’m rocking a big ol’ smile.

You guys all rock!

Congrats, Gords!

Alls well as ends well. Now I get to do it right and proper. Congrats, Gords1001, and thank you Pulsar, OL, and you too Cone for being a man of integrity.

i just want to point out that nitro was also a big help in getting this giveaway organized. he was selling the 3xAA light for $23, and all my paypal funds were not cleared at that time and he allowed me to pay $13 and pay the other $10 later when i had the rest of the funds. he even shipped the light to justin before i even paid the last $10, not many people would do that. i was laid off at the time of getting this all set up, so that was a HUGE help

No problem pulsar, it turned out to be a nice looking light and thanks for doing the giveaway even though I did not win :frowning: but congratulations to the winner :wink:

Gords, lucky SOAB :bigsmile: :evil: Congrats! :beer:
I second all those “thanks” to pulsar, O-L, and many others :crown: Long life to all of ya!

Well, I’m sorry to beat this dead horse again, but it seems like I have to thank Pulsar, Old-Lumens, Nitro, and, I guess, Gords this time too (I’m guessing Gords was in on the deception or else he is going to pissed when he finds out I have his light torch).

That’s right folks, thanks to the generosity of all concerned, the Precious in question was waiting for me at my spot at the dinning room table when I got home from another day in the trenches. Literal trenches too; plus it was raining and cold today, so being in the trench today was a lot less fun than it normally is… btw, it is never fun.

Sure was a super sweet surprise. I looks like I’m going to have to enjoy the light now no matter whether or not I deserve it. At least for awhile. Maybe some others will get to also enjoy it someday, but I make no promises.

My Precious!

gords aluminium torch to be specific :crown:

you were the winner, and your welcome. i knew you wanted it and you deserve it after a day like that.

and gords does deserve a special thanks in all this. when i asked him to get in on it i didnt think of all the congratulations that would be comming his way :frowning: sorry man, and thank you


Its all out in the open now.

Congratulations cone. :slight_smile: