Yes, the first batch of ROT66 lights used NarsilM 1.2. Later batches switched to Anduril — to resolve the memory error, to get more features, and because Fireflies thought Narsil was too complicated. Both offer a choice of smooth ramp or fixed brightness steps, though the method differs.


  • Steps are chosen from 12 preset mode groups (or sometimes 8 groups, depending on the model of light).
  • Click repeatedly to go brighter.
  • Level locks in after 1.2s, so after that, a click turns the light off.
  • Hold to step down and reset the lock-in timer.
  • Clicking several times from off is used to choose a brightness level; I forget how to access blinky modes.
  • Can either start at the lowest level or the last-used level, but not both (use config mode to choose which).
  • To change UI style (smooth or steps), enter config mode (method depends on which UI style is active) then change the ramp toggle setting.


  • Steps are calculated from the user’s personal floor level, ceiling level, and number of steps. Can be anything. Some people like 3 steps, some like 20.
  • Click for on/off, hold to change brightness. (same UI as smooth ramp)
  • To change UI style (smooth or steps), click 3 times while the light is on.

I have a bunch of NarsilM forks to merge together, and I think I also have a patch to fix the memory bug, but it’s going to take a while and requires a lot of code reorganization and testing, so I’ve been procrastinating. Since Narsil isn’t really maintained any more, the main point of the merges is to simplify the process of GPL compliance, keeping all the forks in one place. But it’s not likely to get any more significant updates beyond some branch cleanup. Development has pretty much moved to FSM, the toolkit on which Anduril is based.