Why not get all flasaholics to a place where trump speaks and 1000 Q8 with 5000 lumens make him run

No politics or hatred please.

I’m not sure if hatred is against the rules. I know joking around is not. Politics is, but sometime we all need to lighten up a little, and just laugh.

People come here to get away from that stuff. A beacon of light in a world of darkness.

Yes will update list later :wink:

A related problem some of us have: Missing Email alerts

When the Q8 (or any other GB) happens, there will be some folks who miss it because of this so if it ain’t fixed by then, you might want to consider not having a short ‘window of opportunity’ for us to buy in so that nobody gets inadvertently left out.


Well, if you come here 100’s of times a day, like us real flashaholics, you wouldn’t need email alerts! :stuck_out_tongue:

Erm, if the slot is still open I would like to hop on board too :slight_smile:

on the hands... Just fyi, my gold 12X SRK I've mentioned before is now doing in lumens: 4,420 @start, 3,710 @ 30 secs on 30Q BT's @4.21V. This is somewhat disappointing since all LED's have now been changed, but still using the stock 12X MCPCB and stock driver, though fully bypassed springs and bypassed traces on the driver. No amps measurement though.

The LED's are now: T3 6A1, T4 6C, T5 4C, U2 1A(3), U2 1C, U2 3C, U2 3D(2), U3 2C(2). These were all spares laying around, some out-dated bins. The beam pattern is not the best on a white wall, but does good outdoors - more floody that the Q8.

It seems to look brighter than what it's measured at for some reason, but I still love how it looks, and much prefer the knurled battery tube style:

Yes Tom nice looking tube that has
Maybe the cold white LEDs make it look brighter?

Will update list later.

As long as emails for PMs work no problem here :wink:

LOL, I think I need some sleep. I read it as “A bacon on light in a world of duckmess” and it took a good 3 seconds to realize I read it wrong :person_facepalming:

Well said!

With 1000 Q8’s released on the world there will be plenty of beacons to choose from, for sure! :slight_smile:

Did someone say bacon!? Now I’m hungry. I’ll take a beacon egg and cheese, thanks!

Gimme alllll the beacon

:-)) Too funny! Not bacon, beacon.

BTW, I just had a bacon grilled cheese for brunch with Wrights hickory smoked thick sliced. Yum!

No lobster grilled cheese? Boy, when I was on vaca up in Maine, I had lobster every day, and if it was up to me, would have had it for every meal, and dang, still miss'n it! Maybe you are too inland? We gotta a German butcher on LI called the Forest Pork Store, and their bacon, thick sliced, is fantastic. Combined with local backyard eggs I've been getting now, makes a nice sandwich! Just haven't been able to find a good local fresh bread for it to go with - maybe I can make my own, now that I know how to bake Q8 tailcaps

Can’t wait to fry some bacon with a Q8! Would it be better to put the bacon on the lens, tailcap, or wrap around the switch area?

I say all the above :smiley:

I tried a new cell and got a little surprise. I saw the “New” Efest 38A on Liion Wholesalers and thought I’d give it a shot. It’s only 2100mAh capacity, so there’s that, but in a C8 with FET driver and XP-L2 this new cell actually bests the Sony VTC6! 6.36A vs 6.30A. Granted, the capacity difference is a lot, especially 4 up, but it’s a viable option for high discharge in a multi-cell light if the C6 isn’t available.

It “only” allowed 17A in my Ti X6 Quad, where the LG HE4 has done 21A before. Just sayin…

For a bit broader picture, again this is the older Convoy C8 with a ryansoh copper pill, fet driver and XP-L W2 2B…

Efest 38A 2100mAh—————–6.36A
Efest 3000mAh dark purple—–5.83A
Sony VTC6 3000mAh————–6.30A
LG MJ1————————————–4.81A
LG HE2————————————–6.08A
Sanyo 20700B 4200mAh———5.82A

Do you guys have any slightest expectations for when this bad boy may be ready for us to get our greedy, grubby, budget light loving hands wrapped around it? I just suck at patiently waiting, sorry in advance!