Yeah good idea gonna put it in the next email! Thanks

Or could put a QR code that people can scan in with their phones.

Well, SOME people could… I don’t have a smart phone.

Could you update my interested in for a total of 2 please?

I’m in for 1.


Thanks to Rufusbduck for posting this little bit of technical info in a way that hopefully most non-technical people can still understand. I do want to make one little change, though. It isn’t strictly true that a “FET is EVERYTHING THE BATTERY HAS” without any limit at all. So far, for our purposes, it has been practically true, because we haven’t met that limit yet. However, as we see more powerful emitters being released, and as we continue to put them together in triples and quads, we’ll eventually reach a choke point in the FETs we’re currently using.

They do have a limit, as the conversation a few posts back shows. It’s more obvious with the tiny cheap FETs used in super cheap drivers. Some of those can only throughput around a couple amps max. The ceiling(s) on the Vishay FETs we’re talking about here are much higher, and we haven’t yet reached them. But one day we will. The good news is that, just like the AMC7135 chips, the FETs are “stackable”. So we can continue reaching higher output when the time comes that a single 404 FET becomes the bottleneck.

Lol, just got a mental picture of a driver with 12 stacked 404’s. :smiley:

I’ve used some of the Toshiba FET’s with a thermal plate on top, this helps in a hard use scenario where the FET can be heat sinked. It’s not a ground, but does give a place to attach copper or such for thermal assistance.

And we want to see this beast ultra-fet driver :innocent:

How many SBT-70’s can you run off of that? :smiling_imp:

Remember when we were stacking 7135’s on Qlite’s all the time? I’ve had as many as 24 7135 chips on a single Qlite. Then I began to realize that a single 18650 can only do so much, you peak out and all those extra chips are for nothing.

I wonder if we could have an FET design with Quad pad sets for multiple FET’s, maybe Quad channels or something? You know, for running Quad Triples at maximum levels with multiple parallel cells? Yeah, so what I’m thinking is the potential to screw a larger quad triple head onto the Q8 body, yielding say 12 XHP-50’s at ridiculous output levels, that’d work, right? :smiley:

Edit: To clarify, this would be a screw on head with protruding heat sink to make contact with the emitter shelf in the existing light, housing 4 32mm XM-L triple mcpcbs with 4 35mm triple optics, CUTE-3’s come to mind. Shaved XHP-50’s under the optics, wonder what kind of lumens we could see? 15,000 fairly easily I’d assume, perhaps 20,000 or more. How fun would THAT be!?

Edit II: Remember, Richard already stuffed 12 XHP-50’s into a TrustFire TR-J20 with extra heat sinking I made for his light and an extension tube I also made. With 4 32650’s pushing the 12 emitters through a driver he designed it was making close to 40,000 lumens! Yes, you read that right, and he could run it at length with the massive heat sink. So we just might be able to design a stackable head for the Q8 to replicate this in a somewhat smaller way. Worth a shot, right? And I still know that somebody that just set up a new CNC machine in their personal shop… :wink:

So, did someone say something about limits? We don’t need no stinking limits! :wink:

:open_mouth: :laughing: :crown:

Please note, without even taking the cost of an adaptive head into consideration, the emitters and mcpcb’s along with optics would cost some $191 in parts alone! If a head could be made for $40-50, realistically (or maybe not so much so), then the add on price to make a true monster out of the Q8 would run upwards of $250 without a new driver.

This could very easily be a $350 light in the end.

Not exactly a budget venture, to be sure.

I built an 8x XHP50 SRK recently, without really working on it and with thin wires it put out ~17,000 lumens or so. I am betting it could get up to 20k with more work but since it is not on DTP MCPCB I decided to play it safe and use thin wires to reduce power.

Sadly one of the domes started to burn so it is down until I can take it apart and slice the done.

The amount of heat this thing produces is amazing.


Perhaps a Triple Triple would be more cost efficient….

Just a thought for future use. Is there room in the Q8 to use any of the new format cells from Tesla and several others?

Hang on to that thought for another host. If we were actually able to design and get built the perfect host what would we do for an encore? Life as we know it would end, no more mods, ideas would dry on the vine. Hope would spring eternal no more. some of us might get bored enough to seek gainful employment. But then, having no further need for new lights would where would we spend all our money? Oh the humanity.

Are those new Tesla cells going to be available to the general public? It was odd that they developed a new size like that…

There are already some 4250ma 20700 cells released with high discharge rates too boot. There are sure to be more released as well and they are sure to get better.

Interesting. I have an old Crelant 7G5 that is modified with an FET driver and a dummy cell behind a single 18650. This one has a thick tube that could easily be bored out for one of those cells and the dummy shortened.

Where can I find one or a few of those?