Is this light actually happening? If so…. very interested.

I will take also one. Preferred neutral white.

i’m interest to

Would still ike ramping and would wait a bit to get that. Otherwise 3 modes seems about right- no need for “moon” with a light meant to be a monster!


When the At85 is possible there is a lot of space for code, would be very nice to have a choice between several mode groups with ramping among them.

Can’t tell if a decision has been made on the UI… first post still says “ramping” (which I’m taking an infinite variable brightness), but some posts in the thread talk about multi-modes.

There may be one out there, but so far I’ve not come across a light that features both ramping and preset modes.

If a UI could be fashioned with ramping mode by default, then double-click to get into preset modes (moonlight, low, medium, high), that would be cool. Memory of last mode, of course. And… would be really cool to be able to jump to a preset THEN ramp up/down from there (press-hold to ramp up, single click-press-hold to ramp down). Double-click would advance to next preset. Triple click would activate strobe from any setting. Single click is off.

Well indeed the idea is to have ramping and “normal” modes.
How fancy it all gets depends.
Also a goal is to make selecting the options not too complicated.

Yes multi mode and ramping being one of the modes :slight_smile:

I’d like one… NW please.

I’m interested!

I’d like one… NW please.

I’m in for one. Cool White of possible. :smiley:

Interested in one. Nichia or NW would be cool.

OP updated with newest people interested.

A lot of NW.
It seems (and personally I think so) NW is the ideal color for a light like this.
better color rendering, easier on the eyes to compensate the little loss in lumens over CW.

Looking at the CW NW Nichia higher CRI the NW seems the sweetspot as a nice average of the three.

I’m interested, ideally for Nichia 219Cs.

It’s a tough balance but that seems like the best approach for a single tint option with this type of light. Not objectionably cold, but not so warm that you lose a lot of output just to get a nicer color and more CRI.

This kind of light is supposed to impress with it’s output- a “lumens bomb” if you will. IMHO the practicality takes a back seat to that but it does matter some anyway.


It was found around here that a resistor on the FET gate to slow down switching time a little made things more reliable for some people (others didn’t have problems in the first place). I believe the explanation was that it reduced the voltage spike on turn-off caused by induction in the emitter wires. My memory could be a bit off as I haven’t reread the whole thing. The value would need to be chosen carefully as too large a resistor will prevent very low PWM settings for the FET. Anyway, I think it’s something which needs some consideration unless we end up stuck with an attiny13a.

I usually use a 12K on the FET gate - it's been added. Pics here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/34900/655

Well another workweek is about to start
We got a lot to ask and tell Thorfire and are looking forward to the answers/input of Barry of Fridays mail.

Little update here, 284 hours straight on. Just a little check on high every 6-8 hours.
And it says 5 on high now.

Why not select toykeeper´s excellent and well known BISTRO FW and everybody can configure the light to their liking…BOOM!
