Add me on the list please!

put me on list
do i need to make any choices ?

Will update OP later
At this stage no choice to be made other then interested or not :wink:

Alrighty this must be the place :smiley: I would be interested in (1) Q8 and a extra battery tube/tail cap please!! :wink:

Please put me on the list.

OP updated

The extensiontube is not something we are actually working on.
Get two and mod them to become 1 :smiley:
This way we can achieve sawmasters goal more easy!!!

Sounds really great.
I am interested too.

Welcome to BLF!
And cool, I’ll add you to the interest list later.

Not talking about an extension tube, just extra tubes?
I’m sure if you ask nicely and (shmooze) talk them into making a few (on accident of course) extra battery tubes and caps for some 2S4P action!! Maybe a few extra reflectors for (god forbid) mods gone astray? :wink: They always have extra (service parts) just in case? :innocent: We can put them together……

heheh that :innocent: smiley is cracking me up.

I’m in for one please.

Add one for me.

Take these… To make this… To get this… With just hand tools! :wink: 2S3P Courui D01. BLF Baby,Modding isn’t dead :innocent:

:sunglasses: hashtag drewl
so nice, and proportionally right!

Mark me down as “interested” please.

Thanks for doing all this!

Would a built in charger be too much to expect?

Add me to the list please.

Extra tubes would be an alternative to extension tubes if extra tailcaps were also available and threads are deep enough to act as a coupling as in your mod above. I’d hate to have to buy two and use one as a donor.

QUOTE KawiBoy1428 Take these… To make this… To get this… With just hand tools! 2S3P Courui D01. BLF Baby,Modding isn’t dead UNQUOTE

Absolutely wonderful work! I love it!

Please add me to the interest list for one. Thanks