Put me on the list pleeeease?

Or you could have another few sets of cells.

Basically since it’s a diffuser built by a 3rd party it’s dependent on what one can find. Is there one built as you describe? I agree that it might be ideal if the light was mounted up high for room light or on a table just to light it.

I was thinking a glass cylinder with upside down cone shaped reflector on top pointing down.

IDK. It seems folks on this forum are so exact, like using AR coated glass instead of regular, etc… then they go the complete opposite direction when it comes to spreading the light. It doesn’t make sense to me.

Will update the list later

YES button top GAs are also asked to M4DM4X :wink:

Cup sizes, thumping sounds, yeow, that is a bit too far off topic :smiley:

Diffuser: Dutchee has it too, happy with it. I still need to spraypaint on of the bowls for better light diffusion to the sides.

I wouldn’t mind some black pouches just like these could be included in the deal, even if would have to add couple of bucks

If Thorfire were to buy US military surplus smoke pouches and dye them black, it would probably add at least $15 to $20 to the price (maybe more) as well as create a delay in shipping. So I seriously doubt this will happen.

Yeah it is simple, we go for the light, all things people want besides it must be bought separately.
Nut to attach lanyard to tripod hole
Adapter for tripod compability
Plate / washers to use big tripods
Gun clamps
And all the things somebody wants to be bought, made and/or found themselves. Yet this topic has lots of links to various useful items for sure.

interested… I will be getting at least one set of batteries for my lights… Is the 30q the tops for output…?

Gotta get one! Please add me to list.

Welcome to BLF!
Will update the list later
Tom posted lists with output using different cells
30Q/VTC6/GA are the best and it probably is hard or near impossible to see the difference the 30Q and VTC6 are doing a bit higher lumens

I finally got around to reading the posts/updates here to understand what the Q8 is all about — alright, I have to stop lurking and post to say:
I’m in. Thanks The Miller!

Welcome to BLF!
Will update list later
Thanks for putting you on the list accepted, thanks for the project moving on due to BLF as a whole and the team with many BLFers thinking, posting, designing and working along!

The Miller I wonder if a piece of mirror could be cut to fit in the top of that diffuser, or maybe highly polished aluminum? Does manufacturing make a plastic mirror? I’m thinking about breakage.

That wouldn’t give JasonWW precisely what he wants, but it would decrease what goes out the top to nothing.

Yes, Jason I was only mindstorming a field expedient. I don’t plan on doing anything with mine except to have spare sets of cells. But I reserve the right to change my mind later.

OK, so plastic mirrored sheets are made. Amazon.com : acrylic mirror sheet

I really think a glass mirror would be a very bad idea due to the potential of breakage.

A thin piece of aluminum, or stainless sheet will suffice for the need. All that's needed is something to stop the beam from trying to exit the top of the diffuser.

Nothing "fancy" is necessary, IMO

Perhaps a second layer of the same diffuse material at the top (inside) may be the answer. At least, to allow some light

I assume you are looking at more of a camping lantern style diffuser if you only want output to the sides?

Merely a suggestion for those with concerns. I could handle what was necessary without making a scene here. Easily overcome.

Been lurking for a while, and I’m still sort of a flashlight noob. Have a couple good lights. Registered because I have to have this one.

Put me on the list, please!

The soft bendable material of the diffuser is nice, anf it comes with covers, just keep forgetting to buy a can of shiny silver spraypaint will check if I have something tomorrow

There is a thread on here where someone made a really really nice camping lantern out of a 4x SRK (basically a Q8). He was trying to get a group buy going last year but never got it going. With the success of the Q8 it would be very reasonable for Thorfire to consider making a camping lantern version of the Q8.

It should be quite simple really. Use the Q8 as the base but replace the bezel with the lantern diffuser. It would cost a bit more obviously but that is to be expected. The diffuser itself should be able to be copied from the BLF design (forgot the users name) and then simply screwed on. Could even be sold separately as an extra for the Q8 giving it double duty.

Even I would buy one of these, I have found that a good lantern is one thing I am missing. Should not cost more then $10-15 extra for this, full retail depending on how it was made.

Heck, it is possible this could even be 3D printed except for the threaded bezel.

Diffusers are nice sometimes. I use one on my Olight S-Mini if I need to flag down a taxi or something. For the Q8 though, most of the time I’d be fine putting a paper cup over the top. I guess I don’t use flashlights in “bulb mode” very often.