Sorry to pile on here, but you guys are all correct. Not relating just to the Q8, but actually to a lot of things, no matter how good the intentions are, someone will just not be careful or use common sense. I know of no way to prevent that. So, you try your best, to a reasonable degree, and really you’ve done all you can. There is no way to protect everyone one from themselves.

Don’t you wish you could see the email/PM discussion among the TF engineers and bean counters, though?
Seriously, I think they’re getting an excellent deal here with all the free design work going into this flashlight.

Be sure it links to Tom’s code too. :slight_smile:

Including the full sources is usually not very feasible, but fortunately the GPLv3 allows for merely including a link to a copy online.

Quite an enjoyable debate, esp. given the fact that it’s “blow off your appendages” week here in the U.S.A.

We’re after lumens in here. The efficiency of an explosion at producing them is abysmal. Never mind the throw.

LOL! Isn’t the throw of an exploding light dependent on the throwing arm?

TK manual is in post 3 I think
Links to
This topic
Post 2 Narsil (with link to the Narsil share at the top)
Li ion safety 101
Should be there (shortened yes with deliberate typo for li ion (lion) easier

I know this is yesterdays news and has nothign to do with the discussion at hand but being a car guy, I figured I would put in my 2 bits.

I convert all my cars that were designed to run on gas to 99/100 parts corn whenever I can afford it, the other times I settle for 85% corn.

E85 is the best thing to happen to performance cars in decades and single handedly has allowed street cars to go from ~500-800whp max to 1500-2000hp+.

I’m a little confused by this statement… To the extent of my knowledge, ethanol is not good for performance. I looked up this article, and it’s not a sports car, but the result do show that regular gasoline is better: https://www.edmunds.com/fuel-economy/e85-vs-gasoline-comparison-test.html

A little lite reading on the subject…

I am too.

What modifications are you doing to get that hp jump between using gas & E85 in a “street car” TA??

He doesn’t mean street cars, he means race cars driven on the street. There’s a big difference.
Ethanol is crap for normally aspirated engines. It only has advantages to turbo and supercharged engines. If you build up the engine strong enough internally ethanol allows you to run much higher boost pressures without melting the engine. Roughly speaking.

I really wanted to have the 9000th post in this thread.

It seems the spring discussion went a long way before finally fading out. I’ve been out in the real world today instead of BLF. But I wanted to jump in here and thank whoever it was who gave me the Rude! point. I wish I knew how to get them on purpose. It never seems to be my actual tries at rudeness that get flagged. Oddly, I’ve never had any of my Rude! posts get flagged. But occasionally, I get a drive-by point that I can’t explain. :partying_face:

EDIT: HAHA! Good for you cabfrank! ^ :crown:

Give me corn bread when I’m hungry, good people,
Corn whiskey when I’m dry,
Pretty women a-standing around me,
Sweet heaven when I die.

Yeah… I might as well thank the three (3) that gave me the rude also. :wink: Thank you one & all.
You did good cabfrank! Congrats on 9000…… :+1:


wish it was 9000 lumens on the Q8 :smiley: but i will take what it appear to have now.

Good one. I wasn’t paying close enough attention.

Thanks guys. Maybe the next one the team cooks up will be 9k lumens, but I have a feeling we won’t feel underpowered when we get the Q8 in our hands.