Does anyone else green light turn off if you click it off quickly after ramping up or down?

From off or on > ramp up or down > release > click off = No green light when off > click on > click off > green light is back on when off as normal.

even when clicking it on then off quickly will result in no green light when off.

This is normal?

Q8’s are in! Can’t put this thing down! Light works great. No problems as of yet.

Same behavior on mine.

That’s what it is supposed to do. Anyone read instructions around here? Haha. :wink:

I think you got Mine. My tracking says it’s in CA… :rage:

Now for the longest part of the journey as the snails crawl across the US.

Ohhhh :person_facepalming: Thank You :smiley: I just skimmed through, I’m leaving it in ramping mode, didn’t pay too much attention to anything else besides lock out mode and battery check :innocent:

Already took both out to a dark field and lit it up. Shining down into a valley too. No photos, my phone camera wouldn’t do the Q8s justice.

My Q8s are trapped in the local USPS office. I’ll be on a 4 day trip starting tomorrow. So close… yet so far.

Today I made 8 solder boobs on 30Qs in preparation. I can’t wait!!

Q8 top M43 nichia bottom.

Wild fires in CA are being reported.

Do you remember?

News Update

What happened?

Don’t worry. Someone will catch something on fire with it soon enough. Haha.

Is there a prominent, easily findable pointer to the instructions/User Interface chart?

“Search within thread” doesn’t seem to find it; it’d be a kindness to new folks arriving to keep it easy to find

“Search within thread” for just “UI” is a bit broad and finds a lot of bits and pieces about what to click when to get what result.

Searching for “user interface” seems the best bet. Teacher posted the pointer to the comprehensive collection of UI charts.

It’s got to be in there someplace, doesn’t it?

Previously described problem with the indicator is exactly what happened with my light. The indicator worked for a brief while, started flickering, now it never comes on.

It is in the second post of the thread, right after the mile long list of people who are on the list to buy. Not the best place, but not too hard to get to.

Also, tore apart my Q8 with intermittent switch light on the workbench. The driver has power at the pads leading out to the switch board, but no LED light on the switch. It’s starting to look like a faulty switch board, but I’ll have to do some more digging to see.

On an unrelated note, I finally got my oscilloscope running again. Here is a trace of the pwm on the main LED:

I suggest everyone download the user manual on their phone and home computer so you don’t have to hunt for it.

Can you confirm that:
G is ground
L is light
S is switch

So power is going to the switch lights, but the lights aren’t working?

Hmmm, maybe low quality led or resistor value too high?

What is the voltage going to the switch lights, the same as battery voltage?

If it’s too low a voltage during that “locked in” period, the leds may simply be not able to light up. A slightly lower resistor value might fix it.

Clicked on the order tracking for my light and it says the order number and email doesn’t match. I’m getting the order number off the email they sent me. If I just open my Bangood account it shows my last order several years ago and nothing else. The money came out of my paypal account with the same email. Anyone else have this issue?

Cheers David

If the screws were “tightly threaded through the PCB, that suggests to me that the PCB holes may still be sized to clear M2.5 screws.

So if M3 screws have been substituted without changing the drilling spec. for the PCBs, they can only be fitted by self-tapping their way into the PCB.

A correctly sized PCB hole should always clear the thread of the screw. 3mm hole for M3 screw.

Considering it’s early days that’s a worrying number of failed switch lights that have occurred!
Might cancel my backordered light if this continues. Really can not be bothered with a fight with BG to get things sorted.
Has this been raised with TF?