4 lanyard srews from Amazon

A set of 4 Camera Quick Install Tripod Mount Screws, 2 Lanyards and 2 Wrist Straps
with good reports from a german forum.

Screws seem nice
Lanyards of this type I don’t like, too flimsy IMHO

The lantern is planned to have a tripod hole in the base cap if possible.

Another find:
Has anybody tried this kind of diffuser from Gearbest?

Universal Portable Soft Flash Bounce Diffuser

Universal Softbox Flash Diffuser Reflector

Yeah DBSAR the lantern is gonna be tripod mount galore if it would be up to me with 3 in the head and one in the tail :smiley:

That diffuser is cheap enough to try.

Too late! I was messing with the flashy modes and the one beacon mode that has the really long off time got me. I looked at the emitters to see if any light was coming out right when it blasted my retina’s with 100% output! Take DB Customs’s warning to heart people!

Yeah, well, I don’t do so good taking my own advice… I had lightning mode running and it was barely flickering the LED’s (different UI), I was checking it out and marveling at how low the output can get and BAM! Full blast right in the face! Only this one is highly modified and making 10,000 lumens! Couldn’t see for several minutes with a clover leaf imprint in the center of my vision. DUH!

Got my first one. The mail man was scanning it delivered when I got to the mail box. Opened up the dark gray bag. Opened up the box. It is beautiful. Really heavy. That’s all for now. I have to inspect it.

Now don’t damage eye sight people, we need you to be able to mod :smiley:

Next BLF project should be a laser to fix the damaged retina.

Got my today! :innocent:

Short test Q8 with TM16

Size comparison TM16 and Q8

Nitecore TM16




very pleasant light :+1:
Thanks to all who worked on Q8! good work guys!

nice pics!

You rang?

Dr. Frankendale may have a way with electricity, but he’s hardly got the most inflated head around here.

Nothing to do with the Q8 in particular either, but it's going to depend on your particular Q8, or specifically on your chip. The +/-10% reference variation is chip to chip variation. 10% of 4.2V is clearly 0.42V, so it could read as low as 3.8 or as high as 4.6 in principle. If LVP is set for example set at 2.9V though 10% gives a cutoff range from 2.6 to 3.3 which is fairly safe for good batteries but also still below probably 95% of available power from the battery on the other end. Might cut turbo off 30 seconds early.

Have you measured a bunch of attiny85 chips to find the actual variation?

I’ve tried 8, and all were within 0.1V… not 0.42V.

The tendency, at least for Narsil, is to read out a bit low. Not due to variations in the hardware, but more due to quirks of the integer math used to convert the measurements into a human-friendly form. It does err on the safe side though, which was probably the right choice. It should help prevent over-discharged batteries.

I got mine. Very nice!

I am going to have to do a comparison beam-shot photo set soon, comparing the Q8 to all my SRK-sized lights. So far it seems to be the most powerful on in that class i have, and seems very close to, or little brighter than my other top performer the heavily modded Direct Drive SRK Kung. The Q8 definitely has the best modes and one of the nicest tints in my lights of that size.

I'm not sure I understand this??

Ok - just read TK's post, wut she said Forgot, but went thru this before and found a glitch there, but don't think I ever fixed it - not an urgent thing.

Got mine too. It’s a beauty! Thanks design team and all involved!

Yes I did measure a few as I said before. I'm just saying what the spec allows. We're talking about 2000ish units, not 8. Of course first concern is to check the actual battery voltage.