Question About Fenix LR50R

New member here, but long time lurker. I would like to get some feedback from anyone who owns the Fenix LR50R, regarding the feel of the buttons. I ordered one of these lights from to use for work and demo for my department, and I received a generous first responder discount, but I am a bit underwhelmed by the buttons. The one I received has a very spongy weak auxiliary (left). We passed this light around at work and everyone had the same opinion. If anyone reading this owns one of these lights I would like to know if this is normal, or did I receive a dud? If it is normal then I will simply return it for a refund. My department currently uses Fenix TK75 lights that have a very nice tactile feel, this is one of the requirements for our lights, but we our needing to replace them soon. If Fenix no longer makes quality lights, please feel free to post suggestions for good search lights that are capable of running high lumens for extended periods, replaceable batteries, has a positive tactile ‘click’, and a simple UI that requires a press of the button for every step up or down in brightness. All answers are greatly appreciated!!

At the minimum thr two buttons should feel the same. If one is substantially different feel from the othwr that may be grouhds to return it.
I dont have this one but ai have many Fenix lights. Fenix is probably my favorite premiun brand.

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Thanks for joining the gang, Friendly_Fireman!

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I agree, both buttons should feel the same. I contacted Fenix Lighting today and their warranty tech told me that’s just how the LR50R is designed. It’s kind of disappointing since they market it as a search light, just one that it isn’t very useful to people who actual do search and rescue for a living :laughing:. Oh well, it is what it is. They were very nice and did offer to upgrade this one to an LR60R for an additional fee, but I had to pass since that light falls way outside the requirements for my department. I really wish they would continue to produce the TK75 2018 edition.

Thank you for the welcome, I’m glad to be here !!

Sorry to hear that. I don’t have that model, but Fenix is one of my favorite brands and I have about a dozen different models. All have performed well, and the couple of times that I needed customer service, they were awesome.

One of my Acebeam lights has that “spongy” button like you mention, where it doesn’t have a definitive “click”, just a slight press to change the mode. I’d rather have the click too, but if everything else about the light is what you want, maybe you’ll get used to the switch. Or, maybe if you search their site, you will find another model that will work. Best of luck.

That’s pretty much where I am at with this light. Even though it doesn’t make the cut for our department, I plan to use it when I go hiking at night.

I am also a huge fan of Fenix lights / headlamps and have a decent collection. For the most part their stuff is great. I own and really like the LR35R, TK35UE V2, and lots of others. I still have my first light from them, an old TK60 that uses D cells.

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I have the LR80R and it has the same switches as the LR50R. They’re not the best I’ve felt, a little spongy but not terrible and totally useable. If you’ve got one feeling worse than the other then I’d let customer service know and ask for a replacement.

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I called them and explained that the left button feels spongy and is very weak compared to the right button. The warranty technicians at Fenix Lighting said they checked random samples and it is hit or miss on quality and most have mismatched buttons, but some were matched. They said if I sent it in for a replacement I would likely get the same quality back. Their warranty reps were friendly, but seemed unwilling to help. It was such a poor response that they lost an entire department order of 30+ lights minimum, and they received a negative review on a private EMS forum that has members from all over the US. We leave reviews for both equipment and vendors. In this case, both fell short and are not recommended. Our department is currently looking for another brand altogether if anyone has suggestions.

Sorry to hear that. Fenix sent a new LR80R after the first one overheated and melted the reflector. No questions asked.

The only other companies like Fenix are Streamlight, Surefire, Nitecore, Wuben, and Olight. Klarus aalso has some I’d trust.

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That’s too bad. You probably know about Malkoff lights. Built like a tank, in USA, with lifetime warranty, but his largest light is the Hound Dog Super, a thrower at 1700 lumens. That may not be large enough for what you’re looking for, but it may be worth checking out at You can even call Gene and discuss it with him. He has the best customer service in the industry.

Other than that, you may look at Acebeam. I have a few of their larger lights and they have a nice variety and a good reputation, from what I’ve seen. I’ve had good luck with mine.

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I agree Steamlights are the #1 flashlight for fire departments.

Your Fenix experience ia not really considered bad. Spongy is really a subjective thing. As far as they are concerned if it works its ok. That is technically true.

You should on the other hand have a 30 day no questions asked retuen window.

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Thanks for recommending Malkoff, I greatly appreciate it. I’ll do some research and look into their throwers.

I have very little experience with Acebeam. I recently purchased an H30 headlamp from them, and so far I am really impressed with the build quality and performance.

This is correct. This light does function and the beam is spectacular. In all fairness, they did offer me to return it for a refund. I would have preferred they exchange it for one that at least has matching buttons, but that wasn’t an option. I question why Fenix didn’t use good snapback actuators on their newer models. The ones they used on the TK75 and other older lights were perfect.

Fenix has done a sort of redesign for the new LR60R. It has no buttons and uses a rotary dial for function/mode changes. Its new for 2023 and just released. They’ve started using more rotary dials for lights now (PD40R, TK20 UE, and the HP30 R v2 headlamp). I really like the idea and it worked great on the headlamp and the TK20 UE. I didn’t really care for it on the PD40R, but that’s my finding since others like it.

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I think Malkoff is more geared to law enforcement.

Yes, if you’re not familiar with Malkoff, you should check them out. Especially since you need lights for an entire department, and since you’re using them for an important job and not just pleasure. His emitter / driver assemblies are fully potted for the best ruggedness and durability you can get … and as I mentioned, lifetime warranty. The Hound Dog Super could work for you.
Gene is a great guy too. If you’re looking for 30+ units, I’d call and talk to him, and maybe he will even work a package deal.

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