Ok… so I’d like to know if mine quirk is a known one, or just an anomaly of my particular light. Ok… so when you set your engineering mode to some of the lower outputs, does it affect the level of low mode after you’ve set your moonlight mode. Low is supposed to be a constant 120 lumens, but if i set my moonlight to one of the sub lumen levels… Low is much less than 120 lumens. As little as under 10 lumens. I know not everyone has a way to measure lumens… but hopefully you have another 100 lumen light to compare the low too. Also when using some of the lower moonlight levels… the stability of low fluctuates… but doesn’t flicker. Like it’ll go up and down about 1 lux… it’s noticeable if you’re looking for it, but not much if you’re not.
By the way everything else fucntions normally on this light. I’ve used Mankers high drain cells, and Sanyo GAs… and the light behaves basically the same. I’m not looking for troubleshooting really… just if other uses experience the same thing.
Yeah I know, but the issue mhanlen has shouldn’t matter what emitter is used I think? Or unless it only concerns the 219C version? Maybe an updated driver?
Changing the moonlight level doesn’t seem to affect the other levels on my MK34 (bought september 2016 and equipped with 5000K 219B). (Checked with a luxmeter and using freshly charged GA:s.)
Thanks man! I looked around at other reviews and hadn’t seen a mention of it- which is why it may be either my particular model or 219C’s in general. I haven’t seen any other reviews of the 219C- so I can’t say for sure.
There seems to be quite some variance when it comes to turbo output of the MK34. Is there are possibility that turbo output changes as a function of engineering mode low setting? Can you check this out please; outcome might be interesting? Thanks.
Not in a significant way. It might account for 50 lumens or less- if that. It seems to affect only the modes in the main grouping. If no one else has reported this happening- so far I’m the only one who has even brought up the fact that engineering mode changes low mode- then I doubt it’s the case. I get a little less than 5k lumens on my unit at start-up. I did a review- although I didn’t post it here.
I would like to buy this version (nichia 219c) and I see that on the site https://m.fasttech.com/p/9621290
but is there a strange description? Is there a xpg3 version in yellow light?
I have a head lamp Manker E03H nichia 219c version, is it a similar temperature of light?(Kelvin)
My experience with Fasttech is that they consider 6000K to be “neutral white” and 5000K to be “warm/yellow”. So they have a different confusing naming of led colour temperature. Check out for example Thrunite Mini TN30; Fasttech offers neutral and warm white, whereas Thrunite sells cool white and neutral white only.
Manker has three variants of the MK34:
1) XP-G3 around 6000K
2) 219b around 5000K
3) 219c around 4000K
But you should definitely double check with Manker; they might have changed some things. I have the 4000K version. :sunglasses:
it is very strange with fasttech They have marked light 3200-3500K. I am still waiting for their answer. I have a head manker E03H nichia 219c is warmer than astrolux mf01 nichia v1.
Yes I know that is a dealer in Poland :+1: but the price is 50% more
Can you tell me if Hotspot in Manker MK34 is the same big as in astrolux mf01?
The MF01 has a more defined hotspot, whereas the MK34 has more smooth transition to spill. The MF01 has relatively more throw (lux/lumens), but the difference is subtle.
Thank you very much for the answer :+1: . This is very useful for me. Can I ask you for beamshots to compare these two flashlights? I invite you to the TLF forum