For types of emitters its all up to user preference, for color temp some like it cool in the 6000k+ variant and some prefer it warm in the 2700k area while others prefer a neutral in the 5000k range.
Me personally I have 4 D4’s 2 being the original D4’s in the 5000k and 6000k XPL hi variant, the other 2 are D4v2 in XPL hi 5000k and SST-20 6500k.
Shipping generally is 2-3 weeks barring there is no hickups like the pandemic lockdowns…… waited 4~ months for a KR4 due to unfortunate circumstances in the end its up to you if you can wait or not.
Best place to get the light is from the source ! You get more options and color variations as well as best price.
It’s pretty hard to go wrong unless you pick a color temperature outside your preference.
Basically don’t go higher than 5000k unless you like cool blue light.
Then depending how ‘warm’ you want your light to be you can slide down to 3000k, anything below that and you’re really trading output for warmth… I have a 2200k and its amazeballs but not my first choice for blasting light output.
Avoid SST5000k and Nichia 219C 4000k unless you really know what you’re doing.
XPLHI for output, E21A for beautiful beam, SST20 for somewhere in between.
Clip is useful. Magnet tail-cap seems useful but in execution is annoying and makes you quickly realise the lack of available ferrous surfaces in your daily life. Raised switch is for people who are paranoid about burning their balls and can’t use a clip, software and/or hardware lockout. Tubes are a gimmick. Battery can impact postage source one locally. Don’t worry about optic it comes with the best one automatically you can change later if you need to.
If you want good color rendering and have no particular preference about color temperature, you can’t go wrong with SST-20/4000K. I recommend ordering the steel bezel. The clip is ok.
What does Hank offer currently? Have you talked to him?
I consider replacing my 3000K LEDs, and since I have good experience with SST-20/4000K and Hanks service, I’d probably order a populated MCPCB from him - in case he can offer FA or FD bins.
Think you can ask him,don’t have great experience with SST20 4000K from others vendors,
do you have to replace single Leds?I’m interest in 3000k, wich Bin are yours?
All leds have Bin code.
If Bin is Below black body line (Example 4000k FD4) tint should be a bit Rosy,otherwise Bin like FC3 tint will be a bit greenish.