Raffle #3 (ended)

WINNERS are picked. I am uploading the video as I type this.

Congratulations to -

  1. PyTech - prize K40M
  2. Teacher - prize djburke’s C8
  3. HANG ON!! RemanG just won his own light! BUAHAHAHAHA I’ll go back and pick one more since that seems the right thing to do.
    OK second video done. Winner is Adam706 - RemanG’s UV light

Hi everyone. Again I have another orsm anonymous member who’d like to offer this light for raffle

For those that are not familiar – the funds for this will go to Old-Lumens. Please read ” this thread “:Auction - a friend in need for more info.


Cost - $3 per ticket or $5 for 2.

Anyone can enter. Anyone can enter as many times as they like. To enter please submit money to pinkpanda3310@gmail.com and post in this thread that you have done so e.g. “entered” or “paid” or “pick me big bird, pick me” etc… Please note in the paypal what your forum name is. End time for this raffle shall be Thursday 29th September at 00:01am UTC. Sometime that day I will use random(dot)org to pick a winner. I’ve set a long raffle duration as our donor will be away and cannot post the prize until his return (sometime after 29th).


K40M in like new condition. According to the post office rules the batteries are included - 3500mAh LG MJ1 :partying_face:

I’ve had some members contact me regarding some additional lights to add to this raffle (= more winners :star: ). The first being a custom built Convoy C8 to his/her specs (with a single emitter) from Mr djburkes. Free shipping.

The second additional light is a BLF Special Edition 365nm/400nm dual UV light care of ReManG. Free shipping within US or up to $25 paid international (winner pays excess).

Money raised - $205

Entry List
1 - 9 (low #’s don’t win apparently)
12. MRsDNF
13. PyTech
14. PyTech
15. Swib
16. Swib
17. Swib
18. Swib
19. tru3s1lv3r
20. tru3s1lv3r
21. tru3s1lv3r
22. tru3s1lv3r
23. ReManG
24. ReManG
25. ReManG
26. RemanG
27. teacher
28. teacher
29. teacher
30. teacher
31. teacher
32. teacher
33. losttheplot
34. losttheplot
35. losttheplot
36. losttheplot
37. BrianK
38. BrianK
39. BrianK
40. BrianK
41. Calmaja
42. Calmaja
43. The Miller
44. The Miller
45. The Miller
46. The Miller
47. teacher
48. teacher
49. teacher
50. teacher
51. Adam706
52. Adam706
53. MontyPyfon
54. MontyPyfon
55. PyTech
56. PyTech
57. PyTech
58. PyTech
59. vwpeices
60. vwpeices
61. vwpeices
62. vwpeices
63. teacher
64. teacher
65. teacher
66. teacher
67. jealous57
68. jealous57
69. jealous57
70. jealous57
71. vwpeices
72. vwpeices
73. red72vw
74. red72vw
75. Kepling
76. Kepling
77. Ragsy
78. Ragsy
79. Ragsy
80. Ragsy
81. BLightSam
82. BLightSam
83. PyTech
84. PyTech
85. PyTech
86. PyTech
87. PyTech
88. PyTech
89. JakeDjanitor
90. JakeDjanitor
91. JakeDjanitor
92. JakeDjanitor

Good Luck everyone :beer:

I’m in with a fiver. :+1:

Entered = $5

Added note: “BLF - PyTech”

4 tickets please.

I would like to enter for 4 tickets please. Thanks

Money sent for 4 tickets, thanks for hosting this raffle PP3310!

6 tickets please. $15.00 sent by PayPal. Thank you. :+1:

Bump, contemplating of my number of tickets here, see how it goes.

Money sent 2 x transactions

I’m in for 4 tickets.

2 tickets, thanks you for arrange this.

HMM, Sales and discounts ate into my flashlight budget for this month and future months to come.
I’ll dig in the sofa and all my cars to see what i can scrounge up.

In for 4.
Thanks for organising!

Four (4) more for me please. $10 sent by PayPal. :slight_smile:

This is going great, bumped!

Pick me big bird, pick me!


Two tickets please. $5.00 sent.

4 More for me too. thx

I’m in. PP sent, 4 tix