Raffle #3 (ended)

2 tickets for me please. PayPal sent $5.

4 tickets
Paypal $10 sent

Good Luck everyone

PayPal $5 for 2 tickets

PayPal says FREE for friends. But then there is a fee.
Anybody know what that FREE mean?

For friends means you pay the paypal fee, for goods & services means the vendor pays the fee. Either way they (paypal) get their money.

Why then PayPal say FREE when nothing is free ?!

Can’t no longer pull up the PayPal page with the “FREE” splashed.

Old BLF Discussion on Acebeam K40M:

Acebeam K40M…Should I buy it?

another 4 for me. thx

Bump. - 1 day left

and 2 more for me pls :slight_smile:

$10 sent pp

Congrats to all the winners and to the rest who put up the prizes and pp for organising it. :+1:


winners picked

Congratulations PyTech, Teacher and MontyPyfon :partying_face:

Video’s in the OP if you’re interested


Congrats winners and thanks for putting on the raffle PP !

You might want to check video #2 again - was it 51?

DOH! Thanks Ragsy. Holding a phone in front of my face is obviously too much of a distraction :person_facepalming:

Edit: OK another round of pm’s sent to try and right that. My apologies to everyone but especially MontyPyfon. This is a real embarrassment to me :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:

All good here Pink. I already have way to many flashlights. It just feels good to have given something back to Old-Lumens.

Hmmmm, seems I am a winner.
Thank You to ’pinkpanda3310’ and everyone who made this worthwhile event happen!
Best regards……. :slight_smile:

Holy crap this is awesome. Thx to pinkpanda and all the contributors. :slight_smile:

congrats to the winners ,and thanks to those .of you who made it happen,top effort

Received the K40M today already. All the way from Europe. Its easily the best light I got in my meager collection. (knocking off the former crown jewel -Convoy L6) lol

Justin has always been so helpful and an all around good guy. I couldn’t help feeling a lil emotional opening the package and seeing such a great light.
Thanks again to the mystery donor, and all who contributed. :slight_smile:

I have pretty much been “out of radio contact” since I received the C8 I won from djburkes…… but let me tell you this thing is amazing!!

This was never really about the light, though I do appreciate winning it. But credit goes to the man that donated and built it! :+1:

He asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted a C8 that was the absolute best “thrower” a C8 could be. He did it right!

It has a dedomed XP-G2 S4 2B, the newest fet+1 driver (Bistro firmware, my choice) that RMM offers with the spring bypassed as well as the tail spring. It also has an AR lens for the best light transmittance.

Frankly I was amazed when I first lit it up…… this thing will reach out. :wink:
He also graciously included a sheath and a 30Q battery……… :+1:

Thank you sir…. you went above and beyond!!! :beer: