DOH! Thanks Ragsy. Holding a phone in front of my face is obviously too much of a distraction :person_facepalming:
Edit: OK another round of pm’s sent to try and right that. My apologies to everyone but especially MontyPyfon. This is a real embarrassment to me :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:
Received the K40M today already. All the way from Europe. Its easily the best light I got in my meager collection. (knocking off the former crown jewel -Convoy L6) lol
Justin has always been so helpful and an all around good guy. I couldn’t help feeling a lil emotional opening the package and seeing such a great light.
Thanks again to the mystery donor, and all who contributed.
I have pretty much been “out of radio contact” since I received the C8 I won from djburkes…… but let me tell you this thing is amazing!!
This was never really about the light, though I do appreciate winning it. But credit goes to the man that donated and built it! :+1:
He asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted a C8 that was the absolute best “thrower” a C8 could be. He did it right!
It has a dedomed XP-G2 S4 2B, the newest fet+1 driver (Bistro firmware, my choice) that RMM offers with the spring bypassed as well as the tail spring. It also has an AR lens for the best light transmittance.
Frankly I was amazed when I first lit it up…… this thing will reach out.
He also graciously included a sheath and a 30Q battery……… :+1: