Rating: Dinodirect.com

Thanks Don for the tipoff, that's pretty shady. I have updated DD's profile in my first post here.

That's too bad that they have to resort to that crap. I'll definitely be staying away from DD.

Just received Fenix TK11 Q5 I ordered on Nov. 11. That's pretty fast! Best of all, I get it for $60.19 (I used 30% off coupon TGSAVEMORE if you order 3 or more items). Even better, they send me TK11 R5 :)

If only their prices are more reasonable...


Thanksgiving 2010 they had a 1/2 price the entire web site sale ..

Half off was a pretty darn good deal even if their starting prices were high anyway. It still yeilded a decent deal

PROBLEM was when people started checking items out they realized Dino direct was raising the pricesat the same time and the numbers were changing every time they refreshed the shopping cart or added products to it ..The ONLY people who got a deal were people who checked out quickly or those who didn't add any new products after they started turning up the prices ...Things got WORSE when people in CPF Forums started asking direct questions and one lie piled up on top of another ..The best lie was ..it's a computer malfunction .. or that they had previously had a 90% off sale ..which ended up making commonly known priced flashlights like the fenix eo1 86$ instead of 12.50$ like they are all over the planet ..

Personally the most creative lie I heard was them telling people to refresh or dump their cookies.....this was the only way dino direct could get the old price out of the shopping cart ...Anyone smart enough or lucky enough not to add or take dinos advice could get the items to pay pal and from there it went thru ..Obviously since dino direct is such an E-bay player they couldn't handle paypal freezing up their account.So they processed items that people bought early thanksgiving morning BUT...Into the afternoon people got seriously mad at dino direct ...Stealing a photo off the internet is bad ..sticking it to hundreds of your customers was .."business suicide "

Deal with these people at your own risk ...they burned down a ton of potential customers by lying , cheating and stealing

***shipping might be faster ...But at what cost ?

Has anyone else received offers from dinodirect to post "deals" and received gifts in return?

They sent me a PM on BLF.

Obviously I wont be taking them up on the offer as I think my integrity is worth rather more than they would offer.

Stupid scruples costing me free stuff! bah!!! :P

I've no idea how reliable they are to do buisness with, but along with the other tactics they have employed it seems they are amongst the most dishonest flashlight dealers.

I'm thinking about labelling DinoDirect with the "AVOID" sticker. They are definitely unscrupulous. What do you guys think?

Agree.....not that I've bought anything there.......nor would I based on comments here.

I just have to recieve 3 q5 emitters on 14mm star for 3 usd each. Otherwise i have not ordered from them before.

No spam offers. But worried based on others experience.

Ok, unfortunately DinoDirect is now in the BLF Hall of Shame. First post updated. Please avoid them due to their unscrupulous tactics and poor business ethics.

Yup, I refused.

Me too. I refused as well.



I refused..

I see that someone was lucky and received the right item at the right price but in many case DD try everything to make more money.

I have ordered a Q5 emitter like Budgeteer and a 502 body a few weeks ago to test their service but now i'm a bit worried. I hope they will arrive.

If the timeing is like last time mine should be here any day now. I'll post the finds.

Dinodirect--let's see what stuff I can order.

Heavy on beers or just sarcasm mode enabled?

Heavy on vodka and looking for stuffs to buy.

The user "Nicely" sent me an offer inviting me to be their "agent", offering me a comission in return for referrals. I don't doubt that they will probably ship most of the products that their customers order, but they are lying cutthroats for all the reasons that have been mentioned in this thread. Just too sneaky and desperate and greedy.

Edit: I refused the offer btw. :)

It's rather a shame they are shooting them selves in the foot like this. They obviously think that sort of tactic will bring them extra business as opposed to driveing people away from what seems to have otherwise been an genuine business.

The two orders I have had from them got delivered as ordered in a reasonable time. I was annoyed with their using stuff I'd posted here in other forums. I did say to them that I wasn't impressed and the posts disappeared.

I get a lot of PM offers (not just here) to shill for stuff and I've not yet answered any of them. Nor will I.

That said, I got the Xtar WK20 for review (Which will be up soon. Summary: It's nice, very nice. Like every free review light I get, it will be given away. If I like it enough to spend my own money on it, I will do so.) via a PM here but there were no conditions at all attached to the PM and I already knew it was coming as I was recommended to them by another member here who had told me that the message was coming. If I hadn't known the message was coming, I'd have ignored it. And blocked the sender.

Besides I've dealt with the supplier before (Many times) and my only complaint about them was how slow China Post was in delivering stuff which is hardly their fault.

Not from DinoDirect, correct?