RD tech Anniversary Sale Begins! RD6024 RD6012P RK6006 good time to make orders

Hello everyone, the Anniversary Sale on Aliexpress will start from March 17th PT and it will last to 26th, you can get the products with lowest price compared with normal time even the promotion last time, you can visit the promotion page in this link: RD Official Store - Amazing products with exclusive discounts on AliExpress, if you are not familiar with our products here is the introduction:

If you need a power supply which is easy to use, RD series will be a good choice because they are user friendly and have bigger screen,you can see more details in the product page.

RD6030(35% off, normal from 108USD): RD RD6030 RD6030W 60V 30A DC Einstellbare Abwärtsspannung Tischgeregeltes Netzteil Buck Converter Batterieladung & 1500W Netzteil - AliExpress 1420

Russia warehouse RD6030 link: RD RU RD6030 60V 30A DC einstellbarer Abwärtsspannungswandler - AliExpress 1420

RD6024(35% off, normal from 98USD): Rd rd6024 60v 24a Gleichstrom-Gleichstrom-Gleichstrom einstellbare Abwärts spannungs bank Netzteil-Buck-Konverter-Batterie-Aufladung

RD6012P(35% off, normal from 103USD): Rd rd6012p 5-stellige USB-Gleichstrom-Laptop-Handy-Reparatur bank reguliertes Labor-Netzteil einstellbar 60V 12a 720W

RD6006(35% off, normal from 61.5USD): RD RD6006 RD6006W USB WiFi DC DC Spannung Strom Step-down Netzteil modul buck einstellbare konverter 60V 6A Batterie lade - AliExpress

RD6012(35% off, normal from 70.5USD): Rd rd6012 USB Digital Control Set AC auf DC einstellbare variable Bank Strom versorgung 60V 12a Batterie ladung

RD6018(35% off, normal from 80.5USD): RD RD6018 RD6018W 60V 18A USB WiFi DC DC einstellbare Step-Down-Spannungsbank Netzteil Buck-Konverter & 1200W AC DC Netzteil - AliExpress 1420

And there is assembled set link, you can get the assembled set in this link:

If you need the accessory for RD power supply, you can get them in the link below:

X15A/X25A cable: RD X15A X25A Neuer Bananenstecker auf Krokodilklemmen-Testkabel und Nikro-Kommunikationskabel fĂĽr RD6006 RD6012 RD6018 RD6024 Ausgang - AliExpress 13

X36A cable: RD RU X36A 36A cable used for RD6024 RD6030 - AliExpress 13

Silicone sleeve: RD 4 mm SilikonhĂĽlle SLE-D1 Schutzhalterung Shell-Halterung fĂĽr Stromversorgung der RD-Serie RD6006/RD6024/RD6030 zusammengebautes Set - AliExpress 1420

If you don’t care about the operation and the screen, you can choose our RK and DPS series(buck mode) and DPH series(buck boost mode).

RK6006(35% off, normal from 36USD: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805243272337.html

DPS5020(33% off, normal from 44.99USD): Rd dps5020 Konstantspannungs-Strom-Abwärts-Kommunikation sbank Gleichstrom-Netzteil-Buck-Spannung Gleichstrom-Wandler 50V 20a

DPS5015(33% off, normal from 38.94USD): RD DPS5015 Kommunikation Konstantspannung Strom DC Step-Down Netzteil einstellbarer Abwärtswandler LCD-Voltmeter 50V 15A - AliExpress 1420

DPS5005(33% off, normal from 29.5USD): Dps5005 Kommunikation Konstantspannungs-Strom-Abwärts-Strom versorgungs modul Buck-Spannung Gleichstrom-Gleichstrom-Voltmeter 50V 5a

DPH5005(33% off, normal from 38.94USD): Dph5005 Buck-Boost-Wandler mit konstanter Spannung, programmier bar, digitale Steuer netzteil, Farb-LCD-Multimeter 50V 5a

If you need a USB tester to test the charging voltage and current of your phone, you can choose our UM series, AT series or TC series(for USB-C port).

TC66C(31% off, normal from 20.7USD): RD TC66/TC66C Typ-C PD-Trigger USB-C Voltmeter Amperemeter Spannung 2-Wege-Strommesser Multimeter PD-Ladegerät Batterie USB-Tester - AliExpress

UM25C(31% off, normal from 19.72USD): RD UM25 UM25C fĂĽr APP USB 2.0 Typ-C LCD Voltmeter Amperemeter Spannung Strom Meter Batterieladung USB Tester - AliExpress 1420

If you have any needs or questions, you can consult our buyer service, hope you can find what you need in our store.

The TC66 is cheaper than the UM34 I bought by about 7 dollars. It’s more precise too. Great time to buy, I’m excited. Also, thank you for your affordable but accurate measurement tools.

thank you for your support, hope you can get what you like

Hello RD

Do you have any product similar to the 33V OLED Multimeters but able to deal with bidirectional current (required for monitoring battery charge and discharge with the same meter) ?

Has anyone done a DIY project with one of thier adjustable boost and buck voltage converters?

so sorry, we don’t have that

we have DPH5005 buck-boost power supply

Thanks for this post !
Sadly i missed these last promotions… let’s hope there will be another one in a not-too-far-away future :wink:

don’t worry, friend
which products you want to buy ? I can give you some gift

Hi I know very little about this sort of thing - I want a cheap desktop power supply (variable). I saw these usb ones you can just plug into a usb charger like this-

Do you make such a thing? has anyone used such a device? I only want it for doing under 12v.

Either that or I was thinking one of your RD DP30V5A - what do i do with it ?- will it connect to a old (but new) PC power supply?
Thanks for any help in advance!

sorry we do not have such products, and for DP30V5A, it has no cummunication program inside the module, so it cannot be controlled with PC software

I don’t want to control it with a pc, I want to use a PC power supply (not in the pc) which is new and unused to power it - will it work off a pc power supply? (no PC involved - just bare ATX power supply)

so sorry, we don’t have

Ok, lets start again, because I think you misunderstand what I’m asking - if I buy a DP30V5A can I power it using an atx power supply? (not inside a PC - it is stand alone)

hello, just make sure the input of the DP30V5A is 6-40V DC. it is ok, and usually you just need to use 36V DC to make it full output 32V

I’ve bought several RD USB meters before from your store (before Covid-19 pandemic).

I have these USB meters:

- RD USB 3.0 comprehensive tester (reviewed by HKJ),

- AT34

- UM25C

- UM34C

- TC64

  • TC66C

For load testers, I have these:

- RD 15-watt load tester

- LD35

  • HD35

My UM25C’s USB metr’rs male USB plug has broken off now.

I would like to try out the AT35 USB meter… but the shipping fee is too high from the RD AliExpress store, after the pandemic.
It was “free” or low-cost shipping fee before Covid. But now shipping fee is US$30+ listed from the RD AliExpress store, so I have not tried buying from your store lately.

Maybe you can try to use the lower cost shipping options again?
Other AliExpress stores now usually use 4PX (AliExpress/Cainiao), SunYou, YanWen, Singapore Post, Taiwan Post when shipping from China to my country Philippines.

thank you so much for your support
I am so sorry for this
in fact , we have a shop at lazada, you can make order from that shop , if yes, I can put the USB -A port

there are 3 days left for the anniversary sale, if you have some products in your wishlist, you can make the order since the price is lower than normal time

Oh nice.

thank you, if you still have some products to buy, it is a good time to order them :smiley: