Reasonably priced thrower

Hi all,

I’m looking for,a thrower either up to 4x 18650 or 4x AA thrower that’s reasonably price and throw over 700metres. I’ve seen some on the net but as usual I don’t really trust a £5 eBay special throwing so far!lol



Hmm the only light i got that throws relly that far is the 2 x 26650/18650 in series Thorfire S70

I have a Skyray King (yes hahahaha) that’s 4x18650 but is quite floody.

I like the feel of a 4x as they aren’t too long and fit in my works jacket pocket

Ooh don’t get me wrong, I love the soda can lights with 4 x 18650
Tom E did measurements on highly nodded ones for the Q8 project
A stock not too expensive will not throw 700 meter
Even our Q8 will not reach that (little over 400 is memory is correct) is to be expected, about he same as a stock Convoy C8 because a srk style light is not made for throw

For more throw you be looking at a bigger reflector thus bulkier light if it has parallel cells in it.

A Convoy C8 is also easy to pocket and with XPL Hi a nice thrower for the size.

you won;t find a 700 meter throwing light cheap …it just isn’t gonna happen.
if you get it done for 50$ you’re lucky .
You’re in the right place art blf …… Looking on ebay as a noob will only result in buying crap and wasting your money.

If you can solder and put together a flashlight, that opens up a lot of possibilities. If your priority is its throwing capability, I would recommend a unique fire UF-1504. I got my host and parts from mtnelectronics, but you can get the host from gearbest also. With an XPL HI and a FET driver this combo will make about 400kcd, which will prob throw your required 700m. This is prob the easiest and cheapest route to this kind of throw. About $40 in parts not including battery.

Also i will mention Courui D01, if u are able to do some modding this is a nice light for the money, will cost about 50 eur with some mods and will trow about 300kcd. Also it runs on 3x18650 in paralel.

Not the smallest light in the world but if you dont like zoomies, big reflector lights are your only option.

Don’t know what your cut off is for “reasonably priced” but I have a GB going now for the Maxtoch 2X and right out of the box with NO mods needed , it will throw 600 or more meters on medium , then you switch to high for the real thrill of 1200 meters rated throw.

maybe i should have been a bit more helpful on the “reasonably price” it might be slightly higher than reasonable. ideally less than $100

i can solder to a certain degree. ive soldered wire to RC car motors and batteries. not exactly intricate like you guys do on the pcbs

OH $100 :slight_smile:
Well now then you have to choose between the Thorfire S70 and Convoy L6
Both reach 700 meters and are roughly $50

The Convoy L6
nice neutral white tint possible
no turbo step down
Made by Simon from Convoy
J-Dub74 from BLF helped development
Very nice looker
Good cooling
Quality build
throws a tad further then the S70
comes without some of the goodies the S70 comes with.

The Thorfire S70
Good cooling
Quality build
Comes with a strap to hang it over your shoulder, or for example on tree branches to light a specific area
Comes with a spare lens (dropping a light like this can easy result in a broken lens)
floods a tad wider then the L6
Turbo step down after 3 minutes
throws a tad less far then the L6 (still I can light up the catle tower 820 meters away :wink: )

But they both are series, so read up on li ion safety 101 (second link in my sig)