Recently I have noticed an accelerated occurrence rate of sellers not shipping exactly what their listing shows. It used to happen once in a great while, now it seems to happen far more regularly.
Example: Buying a XML-T6, C8 light and receiving a Q5 version….while the light is indeed a C8, the emitter is not what was listed……
In every case I have had this happen, the seller is quick to partially refund a substantial portion of the purchase to avoid a ‘bad’ rating.
I have gone back to the sellers and demanded that they change their listing before I will give a rating, no matter how much they refund…… they are slow to do so, if they even do it.
It just stinks that this is becoming such a common occurrence…….they must be fooling enough people to make it worth their while.
A couple of years ago I ordered 3 XM-L C10’s from DX.
They came thru with XR-E’s. They were even labeled as such. This time I think it wasn’t The fault of DX but rather their supplier. It took 9 months to sort everything out though.
One reason I do not like dealing with the likes of DX……at least with PayPal and E-Bay you have recourse and the opportunity to leave feedback.
I have not had a a problem yet with DX besides the slow shipping….they seem to have some pretty decent material.
I have an order in with them right no and after 6 days……still no shipping record…clank!
They have trained me to just wait…