I have used the Nanjg 110, good little driver, but limited current.
Found some info about Nanjg 18 It looks like a good one for what I am wanting, maybe even a bit more current than I expected. However, I cant find them anywhere. Discontinued maybe?
Here’s what I am looking for……
2x C or D cell input
1500- 3000ma output
single mode is fine, H/L would be perfect.
More modes…… if thats the only option, ok.
I have tried the Nanjg 110 with a 2C Maglite build and the Alkaline C cells just cant generate much current. I got 1.5A at tailcap. I did try 2 AA L91’s and saw 2.4A at tailcap, so perhaps a 2D cell route would be best or 2AA with L91’s.
Alternatively C Tenergy cells I am sure would promote healthy current as well.
Being new to this stuff, here is what I am thinking.
Feel free to correct me anywhere I am wrong, then I’ll know better next time.
If he is getting 1.5A on c-cells and 2.4A on L91s at the tail cap, that sounds like better batteries would help, at least some.
Assuming the voltage (fresh batteries all at 1.5V) remains the same that should still indicate a higher current at the emitter unless the driver is eating it, which is possible I guess.
1.5Ax3V= 4.5watts from the batteries
2.4Ax3V= 7.2watts
If driver efficiency remained steady that’s ~60% increase.
That wont result in a 60% emitter current bump, because the emitter voltage would need to go up as well, so some of it will be lost to that.
Not sure how the math works to calculate anything beyond that point.
Am I on the right line of thought there, or totally lost?
Wouldn’t be the first time for the latter.
In short,different batteries have different Voltage drop under the current draw,there is also limit how much current the battery delivers under draw.The lower the Voltage,more current needs to be drawn from the battery for same emitter current,this drops also the drivers efficiency.
This is what makes assuming the emitter current difficult.
Here are few links that helped me to understand little more about the boost drivers and batteries:
Heres is some figures I did on testing a single AA driver showing the difference between the current draw at the battery and the current being delivered to the led. As you can see there is a large difference between the currents.
Tail cap amps
Led amps
LED voltage
Single Turnigy AA 2200 mAh LSD battery. Starting voltage 1.4v.
Heres a link to the review if your interested. I dont believe the driver is available anymore.