Hi. I’m looking for a budget USB charger to charge my phone and other USB devices when I’m on the go and don’t have access to a convenient wall charger. My budget is $30 or less. I have a few NCR18650A cells laying around right now, so I think I’d be better off with an 18650 based charger as opposed to one with a different battery type. Being waterproof would be a big (but not necessary) plus, and being relatively pocket-able would be nice, though again, this is not a requirement. Think SolarForce L2P as my definition of pocket-able.
If you need any additional information, I would welcome any questions and suggestions.
Awesome, thanks for the replies. After reading HKJ’s review, I went ahead and ordered a couple of those ML-102’s off of FastTech (one for using, one for modding :bigsmile: ). This’ll be my first order from FastTech, so I’ll be curious as to whether their service is as good as they say it is.
Got 1 as part of a larger order on the 21st that has already spent longer in the hands of the USPS than the entire time from order to it’s flight out of HK. Left SanFran 5 days ago. Hopefully will arrive this week.
What I’m impressed with is that a diverse order wasn’t held up waiting for items to be collected. Normally, I’d order 1 item at a time to ensure 1 item doesn’t hold up the others.
You say that you use it for recycled laptop batteries… I’ll use it the same
Was wondering if you can use it to charge the cells - one of the questions I asked although ebay wrote back “The user you are contacting is registered on another eBay site and may speak a different language. Your message will be sent exactly as typed below.”
For only 7,8$. It can FULLY charge a Samsung Galaxy S2 with a single charge of it´s internal 18650 battery.
OK, when it´s internal battery die, you will have to buy another… but it is cheap enough… if money is the problem. Mine has 50-60 full cycles of it´s internal battery and still going strong…
flash.light, I don't think fran82 deserves to be treated that way. You've been his case for a long time now, and I think you have some 'splainin' to do.
Now tell us, where did the Bad Fran touch you? Show me on the doll.....
fran82 Thank you, this is exactly what i was looking for. The fact that it has micro usb instead of mini for charging solves everything. With that you only need to carry your phones charger.
I also found this one. With a Nichia or Q5 head would be the best EDC ever (for my use)
I didn´t knew about that charger before. OK, it seems ok, but IMO, at least me, I dont know how it performs.
I have the 7.8$ one, I am pretty happy with it. I know how it performs, and, personally, IMO I would not buy the 12,60 one because we dont know it´s performance (it has no reviews, while the 7,8 one, I decided to purchase after reading the first review posted at DX…) and because it has a 4$ difference….
But, we have to take into account that quality may vary (chinese lottery). The one I have is able to charge the Samsung Galaxy S2 (1600mAh battery) with a single charge of the internal 18650 batt. But, if you read carefully, the last review says that it ONLY can charge from 0 to 56% a 1350mAh batt.
I think that it has a very good eficiency circuitry or the internal battery is really a 2600mAh one (I beleive more that the DCDC boost have good eficiency)
Nice item. Thanks for the info!. I dont know why I havent seen it before. It is cheap enough to at least try it. I have also a S2, and, if it can fully charge from 0 to 100% with just a single charge, it is a bargain!
I have a similar item, manufactured by sanyo but it uses 2xAA batteries, I paid about 30$ for it and it can only charge between 30 and 50% of the internal battery of the S2 with the charge of the 2xeneloop they came with. I need to recharge the 2xAA eneloops about 2-3 times to get it working from 0 to 100%.
Interesting… interesting… and less than 8$. Most of the reviews at DX talking about that item are positive….
One review I cant find anymore said which battery it has internally, so it is possible to open it up.
Are there any screws you feel or see? Perhaps just the lid is screwed on the tube?
I measured the current output with a usb cable (with an ammeter, of course. It gave me something about 1040mA or something when charging the S2).
Now, at least the one I received can not be opened.
It seems to be a aluminum cylinder, with an upper and bottom caps… I think they have threads, but mine is glued. They seems to have applied glue in the threads so at first glance it can not be opened.
Maybe with 2 pliers, electrical tape and much force, it can be open, but I will not open it. Maybe when its internal battery die…