Having recently been researching the exact same 2 lights myself I’m about to buy a Tank 007 e09 and an Astrolux S1 which also comes with a longer tube so you can use 18650’s as well.
EDIT: Sorry just realised the Tanks a twisty on / off and AAA not double.
Klarus Mi7 is an excellent side switch AA light. Using discount code the price is around $25 and it is one of the brightest in this format.
Jetbeam Jet II Pro would be my choice for CR123, it has XP-L HI and smooth reflector, producing a throwy beam. Also very close to $25 using discount codes.
Olight S1 & S1A are also very nice lights but I doubt you can get those under $25 each.
I have not seen any Tank007 lights that had a clip?
Thorfire TG 06 looks the the absolute perfect light for me. But, it starts on high. Sigh.
Odepro ED30 sold anywhere but aliexpress? Not familiar with that site and description wasn’t great. Wish I could find a good review. Looks like what u may be looking for.
If I could buy Olight S1 and S1A for $25 bucks I wouldn’t have posted here. I have an S2 which I think is amazing for its size, and price really.
The TG06 “problem” of starting on hi, at least to me, isn’t a problem at all. Initially I thought I wouldn’t like it. A quick tap puts it into low and that happens so fast as to not be an issue, but the beauty of it starting on hi is for when it’s used as a tactical light. For that use one wants the light to be as bright as possible for it’s blinding effect. Too, initially I questioned no memory mode to allow me to choose where it would begin, but again, I believe that it’s set up as a tactical light, and memory mode could just compromise that use. When one needs blinding light one needs blinding light and fiddling with a button to get that could have dire consequences when one is using the other hand for a weapon. It’s the KISS principle in action.
Of course if a tactical light isn’t desired then all of that is meaningless and it might be a poor choice.
Too, if used as a tactical light it would demand a Li-ion cell be installed for max’ brightness.
Not precisely what you wanted (It uses a AAA), but I have a GranVela UltraTac K18 coming in today. It too demands a Li-Ion for max’ brightness and is smaller and lighter than the TG06, but with the same output for a shorter period of time.
I don’t know if this is commonly done, but I see no reason it can’t be. If you let us know in general where you are located someone might be close enough to let you see before you buy.
Manker E11 Not sure if the clip reverses and it does have strobe but i don’t think it’s part of the main beam cycle so you don’t have to go through it if you don’t have to … I’ve just ordered one so will know more in a while.
I suppose if ts needs cr123 light, he is going to use primary non-rechargeable cells, for example to use in cold conditions and etc.
To use their full capacity, flashlight should have boost driver that will work with 1.0-3.0v input voltage. So it would better to choose flashlight which is already equipped with such driver.
Both my S2+ with 4x 7135 drivers work fine with 16340, but not with CR123.
Even with fresh CR123, the High mode will flicker for a short while and immediately drop down to the Low mode