I believe Gearbest through Fin’s coupon code has the Liitokala has a 2 slot charger for $5.99. I have the 4 slot and it has been perfect. Very happy with it. Mine came with the wall and car adapter plug. I got it because my nitecore charger over heated and stopped working.
Mine has been excellent, over 2.5yrs(cant even remember how many years total) at least. Plugged in 24/7, been used daily for years until recently. Only down to having a c4-12 sat next to it. I still use the opus for nimhs, also when i am charging more than 4 cells(over spill from the c4-12).
I have already opened up the miboxer c4-12 as a bay spring snapped, so had to repair that the other day.
Back to the opus bt c3100 v2.2, lots of charge current options from 0.2a to 2a on bays 1 and 4. All 4 bays in use limits to 1a each. I have found it to be reliable, flexible and good value.
Inside is a switch(i have mine opened up on the back of the charger) and a 3.7/ 4.35/ 4.2v switch can be used. I only use the 4.35(sanyo 16650 cells) and of course the 4.2v for my li ions.
It aint pretty haha
My fan was noisy out of the box, very noisy in fact. I bought a couple of spares from gearbest(not much over a $1 iirc………….cheap!). Swapped it out and its been quiet ever since(24+ months)
Guess all down to cost, cheap components= more profit.
Ironically, the cheap fan inside was replaced with another cheap fan of which is quiet . Maybe luck of the draw as they are very cheap. Other than that(not really a major issue as i put up with it for a year), its been faultless.
I usually or have recommended the opus several times of past, for around $30 its hard to beat imo.
Liking the c4-12, like just being able to place cells in the bays without pressing any buttons. Also the auto charge setting it chooses , seems to be spot on. Other than one of the springs snapping(again cheap components), its been very good so far. I have the c4-12 and 3100 v2.2 sat next to each other for most of my down stairs charging.