Has anyone gotten and have experience with the Alonefire SV003 UV flashlight in particular? What type of emitter does it use? And is it the same emitter across 3w, 5w and 10w version? Judging from the reviews on aliexpress and amazon there are reports of overheating. I'm hoping the 3w version doesn't have this issue.
I initially though the Alonefire was like the Countryman S9 here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/45356 since it also has SVC in the description. But after looking at it some more the emitters look different. From looking at pictures and from the review photos taken, the emitter in Alonefire uses a 4 die UV LED diode.
I'm mainly considering this because of the price. Will be using it for charging glow in the dark powder pigments and for counterfeit bill checking.
Pay no attention to numbers such as 3W or 5W or 10W. They are often meaningless or made up, and don’t correlate to actual performance. Only measurements from trusted reviewers who state what they are measuring and compare different flashlights using the same setup are meaningful.
No matter what you get, you must take precautions to avoid injuring yourself and others. These are powerful enough to cause harm if misused. Never look directly into the flashlight. Avoid pointing the flashlight at surfaces which reflect light back at you. Use polycarbonate safety glasses which filter UV light.
Convoy is the gold standard in UV flashlights. By the way, your Convoy link is not from the official Convoy store on AE.
There are 3 models, but those with filter cannot ship to the US due to patent issues. I have the Nichia model and I recommend it. LG models emit a lot more visible light without a filter, which is why they are sold with a filter. Nichia is pretty good even without a filter. You can get a ZWB2 filter for it if you want, but you won’t need it for charging GITD powder pigment and checking for counterfeit currency. You can get the 18350 tube if you want your flashlight to be smaller.
UV flashlights with filter probably cannot be shipped legally to the US without agreement from the patent holder, but I doubt the US customs actually bother to check for patent issues, so most online stores (not Convoy official store) still ship to the US.
It’s somewhat silly that the patent is not on the filters themselves, but on their use on UV battery powered lights (I guess most countries would consider it too obvious), yet the US patent office accepted the patent, so that makes it legally enforceable.
Flashlights containing the 4 die LED (seems like 4 LG LEDs on one substrate) are vastly overrated. They are not 10W - in a small package like that you would get 3rd degree burns (until the LED just gives up). Most claims on these 5w/6w/10w/15w lights are silly exaggerations. They all use 7135 drivers which cannot drive the UV LED at full voltage.
A new light offers a true 7.2W drive and has proven to be the most powerful UV light on the market (that I have found) - even surpassing lights sold for $500 - https://www.engeniousdesigns.com/product-page/fyrfly
So you guys will prob laugh but I decided instead of buying UV glasses, I bought the UV beast on amazon for $59 that included glasses.
Is this light legit? If not I can always give it to my buddy for his birthday coming up
uvBeast NEW V3 Black Light UV Flashlight - Rechargeable 18650 with Glasses - Power Pack Edition - HIGH POWER UPGRADED LEDs 385-395nm Best for Professional/Commercial Use - USA Stock - UK Design https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TQKY1GC/
Well that light uses a different wavelength. The page says 385-395nm. So depending on what you want the light for, it may not work as well as a 365nm UV light.
Ya I noticed that too. To tell you truth, I know almost nothing about UV lights. I bought an Acebeam UC15 and discovered that it had a UV mode. I’ve been walking around my house at night and I’m fascinated with the thing. I ordered a couple 365nm lights that people recommended, but they’re not coming for quite a while and I’m not a patient person (:.
It’ll be interesting to compare the shorter and longer wave UV
I did a comparison video of a UV395 with a UV365 flashlight (earlier Wurkkos WK30 (LG UV395) and later Wurkkos WK30 (LG UV365), and at the latter part of the video, I also used a Convoy S2+ (Nichia UV365 + ZWB2 UV filter).
UV395 shows like 'purple' while UV365 shows a bit more stuff (there is more visible white light on the WK30 with LG UV365, compared with the S2+ (Nichia UV365) that has been fitted with a ZWB2 UV filter).
(as the video has no audio commentary, the first flashlight tested is the UV395 WK30 - more purple beam, the second flashlight is the WK30 UV365, and the last is the S2+ Nichia UV365 with ZWB2 UV filter)
I did a roundup review (sort of) with 11 UV flashlights not very long ago. It's not very scientific, but it could be helpful to guide you in your purchase.
I can vouch for the Alonefire sold as 3W on Amazon. Highlights currency security features and fluorescent minerals very well. Way better than my Wurkkos (395 nm) and my MecArmy SGN3 that is supposed to be 365 nm.
Yes, 365nm is still in UV-A range, powerful but not as much as UV-B and UV-C.
It isn’t good for the eyes, don’t point to anybody’s eyes, use some kind of eye protection (most eyewear will block UV to certain extent but something trustworthy that actually advertises UV protection will be better), don’t use it more time than needed.
My kid has one of those glow in the dark books about dinosaurs. If I zap it with my 365nm it glows so bright you can read the book by it in a dark room