Hi to all,
I have lost my fenix pd35 and I would like to buy another one but I see that is expensive light these days.
I had my pd 35 about 10 years.
I would like to recomend me a similar flashligt (not so expensive as pd35 or pd35 tac) with tail switch, momentary mode, remember last mode, head diametre about 25mm, working with 18650 or 21700 battery.
If it has usb port will be ok. If anyone knows any place to buy a fenix pd35 with better price please pm.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my english
As long as you can wait two or three months for the light to arrive from China, you’ll be very happy with that Sofirn, especially comparing it to the PD35.
Thrunite TC15 seems very nice but have not tail switch, only side switch.
Btw I have purchased sofirn sp31 v2.0 before a week and I am waiting for receive it.
I am wondering if there is a better choice out there.
If I am happy with sofirn I will stay with it.
Also I am searching for a nitecore with a lower price
The sp31v2 should be on amazon as well. I have one and a Fenix UC35.
I think i’m going to sell the fenix, the light output between the 2 lights is very similar.
The sofirn is a little lighter,smaller, will tail stand and 1/3rd the price.
The fenix tail switch is a little better (a little lag on the sofirn) and it has a lower ‘moonlight’, maybe slightly better throw.
The Wuben i332 (16340) definitely has momentary and ticks all the boxes. Not sure if the TO46R (18650) as momentary mode, but I imagine most Wubens do.
Doubt it can be found, but the ED20-T had a dual-switch tail that had incredibly easy access to momentary, and was bright as Hell.
Else get a sideswitch light that runs Narsim or Andouille, as they have momentary mode in the UI.