Ok, so having gotten a house I find myself increasingly in need of a real flashlight. And my only previous experience is Maglites of various vintages and sizes.
I’ve been lurking around here and reading a lot and I’m definitely feeling a bit of information overload. So could you kind people help steer my vague thoughts in the right direction?
Here are the opinions/requirements that I’ve gathered:
Intended usage: Around the house (basement, garage, yard at night). Occasional night hikes/dog walks
I think that this means I should be looking somewhere between 400-1000 max lumins with different levels. A max runtime of maybe 3-4 hours at the “high” (non ‘turbo’) setting would probably be sufficient.
I’m getting the sense that 18650 battery based lights are the way to go? I don’t want to be eating through AAs and the light might sit unused for a month or two.
USB charging also sounds really nice, and I’ve looked at the lights mentioned in this thread. But to be honest I’m a little freaked out about charging Li ion batteries inside a metal cylinder. (I work in IT and have seen a laptop battery cell go). Is an external charger better? I’ve read though the Lithium-ion battery safety 101 thread and the various linked threads but I’m not seeing a lot about the safety of built in recharging vs. external.
Anyway… sorry for bombarding you with questions, thank you for any advice.
EDIT: one more pretty firm requirement, no strobe function or it hidden behind pretty complex UI. I don’t want to give myself a migraine by accidentally clicking wrong.
Very useful headlamp, ideal for jobs in the garage or at night, hiking, walking the dog.
Has 4 levels and uses 18650, and with a decent cell you will have good runtumes as well.
Nitefox UT20 or Sofirn SP32A are good economy options around $20-30.
I very much like the Thrunite TC15, Rofis Mr30 and Nitecore EC23 for 1800-2000+ lumens. Never hurts to have the extra lumens if you ever need it.
I would suggest the same as wstrachan above, and I would add 2 more lights:
1st - Wuben TO46R
2nd - Zanflare F1
These are not my most used lights, but if I need something reliable and well built, inside and oustide, these are my favourites!! The Wuben holds on the higher outputs, so you would not be disappointed ! Maybe you can still get one with Neutral White and High CRI Leds. Ask here: Group Buy: Wuben TO10R and TO46R (real 90+CRI triple XP-G3) - CLOSED!!
I can’t believe I am saying this as I am not a Convoy fan and I don’t purchase their wares but, I was given a BD06 light by a good friend of mine. It is a really nice light that takes a 26650 cell and there is a version with Biscotti firmware that lets you customize the UI for whatever situation you need it for. Not a super high output light (about 1000 lumens max) so it will run for a long time on any of it’s modes. On board recharging too if that is your thing. I don’t use on board charging but some do. Pick whatever tint you want and you are good to go. You won’t need a super high drain cell for it so you can go for maximum capacity.
If you are looking for a serious do it all flashlight, I would go with a Zebralight.
+Super efficient constant current drivers (No PWM, and not a linear driver that uses resistance to regulate current)
+Amazing Firefly/Moonlight levels in the sub 1 lumen modes.
+Very well regulated at all levels
+Integrated Driver and LED shelf for more compact design and better temperature control step downs
+Temp Controlled to avoid overheating
+One of the most Compact
+Weather Resistant (forget the IPX rating, but you can submerge it in water without issues)
+Great programmable UI
+Durable with good Track Record (potted electronics)
+Great selection
-More expensive than budget options (but value is equally good if not better imho)
SC64w HI would probably be the best all around EDC in the 18650 range at the moment.
I own:
SC600w hi (a little too throwy for up close use, but great outdoors)
SC5C (fantastic little AA light)
H53C (fantastic little AA Headlamp)
BLF A6 in neutral white 5000k with a samsung 30Q 18650 and a Liitokala 100 charger, can get all for under $30 easily, A6 and 30Q can be bought together.
It’s astonishingly good value and does almost anything you could ask for, shockingly bright to Maglite fans, has 7 output levels and hidden strobe, so you can choose your mix of output vs battery life. User interface is easy and intuitive.
Skilhunt H03 if you want a smooth floody headlamp that is equally impressive, similarly priced, same battery.
Nothing really beats those combinations for solid quality value, you could easily spend 3 or 4 times as much and do worse.
Convoy C8+ 18650 cell $20 US. Covers to near 200yds outside,
with spread.
with an Astrolux AO1 in pocket on keyring (AAA or Li-Po4 cell)
for walkabout in the home/yard. $10ish.
BOTH are well made. reliable, fair price.
As you are NOT paying for a name.
A Liikala 202, 2 x cell charger will do any battery you will need to charge in future,
around $8ishUS. Up to 26650 and incl Li-Po4.
There are several keyring size, with up to 130Lum output on market.
I have 5. all different. ALL do the job. AO1 is my fav.
with a copper one on car keys.
Another simple, next size up, reliable pocket torch is the Utorch SF 01 (love it)
around $8US on coupon at present.
If you want to impress others then Emisar D4 is the way to go, put out over 4000 lumens with Cree XPL-HI leds or 3500 lumens with beautiful high CRI Nichia 219C leds. If you are on a tight budget, there are several options: Convoy S2+, Sofirn SP32A, Sofirn SP31, BLF A6 a.k.a Astrolux S1, Zanflare F1. All of them are very good flaslights.
For charging battery, Liitokala produce high quality chargers with reasonable prices. Another option is the Xtar MC1.
As long as you don’t want throw, it sounds like you’d best be served by a floody light like a Wuben TO46R. Floodiest one I got, decent UI, takes common 18650s.
A really simple muggle light with lots of nice features would be a Sofirn SC31.
I happen to really like the Nitefox UT20, Nitecore MH20, Sofirn SP32Av2, buncha others.
Kinda hard to pick just one, so be prepared to get bit by the bug, and just buy a whole bunch to try.
Thank you everyone for the help narrowing things down. I ended up going with a Zanflare F1 because of the combination of USB charging, a UI that ‘clicked’ with me ( ) and it not being harsh white.
I got it a couple of days ago and am absolutely in love with it. I definitely am going to have to pick up some other lights for different uses and also friends and family.