Mine came with XM-l2s. Hereis my impression, but there is usually a lottery when buying a king/kung or whatever its named. Due to focusing issues I would not recommend to order from that seller unless you plan on modding it.
Any of them would be ok, but just not up to their potential without a mod. Stock lights are normally well under amped on purpose, to protect the light from excessive heat and torture that a mod usually does to it. My Rule of thumb is, the more emitters in the head, the less milliamps per led, so that the total does not exceed what the mfg feels is too much.
Build quality can be hit or miss with most every light, even the expensive ones. Without good quality control plans, the Chinese lights are susceptible to wide variations of quality.
I’m in the market for a similar light (when I got the money to spend on it). I’ve looked at the Sky Ray Kung, but that is not going to cut it for me because I read in reviews that it heats up to an uncomfortable level after long use. These also seem to be a bit of a crapshoot when it comes to quality and output.
That is why I am going to order a SolarStorm SP03 . This one got slightly less flood than a SRK, but more throw.
You might also want to look at the Supfire M6 groupbuy . This light is reviewed as “how the SRK should be”. And this GB one should be a better version of the Supfire M6, with XML2’s and a better UI.
#5, the Fandyfire Warrior, your not taking a gamble on the quality and an excellent light. Much easier to pocket than all the others, excellent output, excellent quality.
The user interface is disappointing though with the 3 sec hold for on/off. :\/quote]
Not 3 seconds, more like 1 second, maybe less, what’s the big deal with that? It takes that much time to push a clicky. The second button can be used for momentary use. Do you have one?
it is a gamble like the 3-emitter SRKs. the M4 SRK Kung i recieved from brotherhuang1983 was the XML “U2” model with the battery & charger set, back in april of 2013. its a beast. The one i have is brighter and throws farther than every other SRK i have tried, and also brighter than my brothers Warrior, TRJ12, etc.
If you could find that same model from that seller that i bought from him, you will get the same most powerful stock SRK i found so far. ( i use mine alot on camping trips, boating, etc.
Nope, going off the thread at FT. One of the staff said “Hold for 3 seconds.” 1 second isn’t as bad, but it would bug me. I would rather cycle through, or have a primary off/on and secondary to switch modes.