Hey y’all, been building my collection and the wife wants me to find a permanent home for my flashlights. What carrying cases do y’all recommended for storing the flashlights that also allows for quick access when I want to bring them out?
Hey y’all, been building my collection and the wife wants me to find a permanent home for my flashlights. What carrying cases do y’all recommended for storing the flashlights that also allows for quick access when I want to bring them out?
Are you actually looking for something like a Pelican case? Tractor Supply Co. has some less expensive knockoffs with adjustable foam padding.
Same with Harbor Freight.
Personally I use SKB Cases, especially those with the (re)movable, padded dividers for quick space customization.
I use Plano Boxes , these are more for fishing tackle I bought mine at Walmart for a reasonable price.
Home Depot has this I bought a couple they were readily available on the shelf, I am an impulse buyer.
I use my dremel to customize the dividers. I add foam where need too.
My storage boxes now that I think about it I started small , I added more boxes as my colection grew. My boxes are different sizes, shapes. If Iwere to start again
( I don’t have the money ATM) I would consider interlocking storage boxes all the same brand to be compatible someting like Dewalt
Or this Craftsman
These are not the quick access as you mentioned though.
Apache cases from Harbor Freight come in several sizes:
here is the 4800 size:
this is the small 1800 size
Thanks for the great suggestions, I’ll head to Harbor Freight and pick some stuff up!
These cases are cool but too easy to out grow. Then what? Get another, and another?
Good point zoulas.
I guess it depends on your situation. I just store mine in my workroom, with most of them (32) on my workbench and others on a shelf. I like to be able to see them since most of them have lighted tailcaps. It would be a shame to have them hidden away in cases.
I guess… a lot of battery charging going on there…
I like lighted switches, but not practical (for me) for lights that don’t get used much, or are out of sight. I tried, and just too often I go to use a light and the battery is depleted.
Worse, over discharged because LVP is not in play for switch or AUX, lights
I have a large dresser drawer that I use with random foam as needed. Problem is that they are layered. It can take a long time to locate a specific light.
I may have to explore some of the Harbor Freight cases.
Not really a lot of battery charging for me. The charging is more from using the flashlights vs lighted tailcap drain.
My minimal criteria for a lighted switch is 1 year or more. A green lighted switch on an 18650 battery lasts over 4 years!
I guess it depends on how bright you want the lighted tailcaps to be, but I prefer it to be reasonably bright in the middle of the night.
But if you have flashlights that are out of sight, agreed that lighted switches are not a good choice.