Other than a Hanklight Quad-Flashlight, what are my better options for a DEEP RED SST-20 flashlight that has balanced throw and flood/spill? Also, is there anything like an LT1 lantern area light that is DEEP RED?
Specifically, I am looking for lights to use camping that won’t attract bugs.
I am aware of the discussions of lower levels and temperatures of some traditional lights being better but, personal experience does not support this line of thought where I camp.
A decked-out Hanklight with the 21700 battery and buck-boost driver and a few other options is ~$72 so that is a flashlight benchmark. Next would be I guess a modded LT1 with SST-20 Deep Reds.
What’s good today for lights like this I may have overlooked?
Convoy have a T3 which you can order with the sst20dr. Alternatively you can swap the emitter into a sofirn sp10 pro and use it with AAs. I’ve got the latter and its great; a pretty small boost driven host that runs anduril, I’d recommend it.
I have a Convoy T3 with the SST-20 DR in red! I like it a lot but, I’m looking for a bit more light and area coverage. For ~$20, a great value. I also have an S21A ordered.
I have considered building one from a Convoy S12 or S21D but, that considered with the cost of emitters puts me pretty close to the Hanklight cost and beats it if I skip the boost circuit upgrade.
You never know what might be out there though that I have missed from a good vendor in Asia or a good modder in North America and Europe that might be cost-competitive. I’m not looking to cheap out but, I also don’t want to overspend on a speciality flashlight like this.
Yes, I own one of those and a couple of Convoy Deep Red options as well. I am looking for more spread/fill/FOV of soft deep red than I get from the HD15R or something like the Convoy C8 or T3.
I may end up with Hanklight but, with options, it pushes $80 which is more than I really want to spend on this light.
I know you already mentioned the Hank light, but if you want something that can light up an area as well as be used for a flashlight, the Emisar D4V2 or D4K with the SST-20 DR is a great option. Pair it with a Clear Diffuser from Spicy3D and you have an area light.