Reflector revised: ReyLight Pineapple Brass 14500/AA Flashlight, Nichia 219C 4000K

Ah, OK, thanks for the info! I guess I’m one of the lucky ones then, still going strong, and I had it on high several times for 15 or 20 minutes or even longer, until it was almost too hot to hold…


I cut this little brass pineapple out of the plastic and danged if I don’t like it so much I’ve decided to not modify it! It’s a neat little light, very nice beam profile, the 4000K Nichia Hi CRI emitter is nice as well. Just can’t bring myself to mod it, too dang nice.

Thanks Rey! :smiley:

Edit: By the way, my first one I modified with an FET driver, my nephew liked it so much I gave it to him for Christmas last year and he uses it daily, loves it and swears by it. He works in a meat packing plant, says the light is a must have. So, on his behalf, thank you again. :wink:

I see Amazon now has them back in stock. Looks like they are still the older version. You stated version 3 has 470 lumens with a 14500 cell in a previous post. But specs on amazon say 390 lumens. Will you be seling version 3 on amazon soon?
And finally is this you on amazon? ” Reylight Storefront”:\_encoding=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=1&isCBA=&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&orderID=&seller=A1YOJ78J41NXXB&tab=&vasStoreID=

That’s me, the one is old version. I might sell V3 on amazon after KS project.

Well I waited a few months and now you do have v3 on Amazon. I just placed my order. Now I just need to know what size tritium vial I need to order? Thanks

Have you seen this thread?

You need 1.5x6mm.