I’m looking to acquire a regulated power supply for LED testing, preferably one with the ability to push up to 9A.
Any recommendations? TIA !
There are a lot of such devices out there. Me, I'd look in surplus shops and the like for ex-military ones - which you will be able to find very detailed specifications for.
Quality of all power supplies can be guessed at by their weight, the more it weighs, the more likely it is to be good. This obviously has a huge effect on shipping costs though.
If it is made by HP/Agilent it'll be very good but will be a very long way from cheap. Depends how fancy you want to get with controls and attached meters. You could easily spend thousands of dollars.
There are quite a few people around here who have used such devices professionally. Me, I'd PM sixty545 and ask him what's good and affordable.
There are two kinds of regulated power supplies, there is linear ones and then there are switched ones.
Linear PSUs are usually heavier and less efficient but offers essentially ripple free output at a lower price. Switched PSUs are more expensive, weighs less and has less bulk, are more efficient but can produce some ripples under heavy loads.
Get a pc power supply and wire 5V rails onto a few trusty drivers (Amc based) and wire them with aligator clips for aeasy testing. Afrotech style but it werks!
Think ahead and get more than 9A. You never can have enough amps.
Pick up computers off the street, they would have at least 20-40A current capacity on the 5v rails,
do read up on how to set one up though, load resistors ad power on wires