I got a flashlight with a non-working charger port. What to check to fix charging. Voltage detection is working properly. The switch is red below 4V. Green above 4V.
Contact banggood to make them send you a new driver
Remember, the light won’t charge a battery if it’s over 4.17 or 4.18 volts. That’s intentional, so check that before doing an RMA.
I know the FT03 won’t start charging if the battery voltage reads 4 or higher. It will charge past 4 if it starts below 4 only.
Banggood returned the money.
I have several anduril flashlight and I know how to charge the batteries. As I wrote, it recognize the voltage correctly.
Hi all, been a lurker for a long time and decided to join this great forum today! And sorry for my bad english (grammar correction might be needed).
So I had this similar problem with my unit too. I tried to charge the flashlight with the same (phone) chargers that works in my EC01, EC03, and FT03. But none of them worked in my FT02S.
So, I decided to ask a (still new) friend of mine, a great local modder in my area. He figured out that the Type-C cable was the only problem (for my unit, at least).
He said not all Type-C cables might be work in this flashlight. It’s all about the length of “inside connector” from the male & female port that I can remember (I came to his house btw).
He notice this problem since he sold his EA01 units (with Type-C cable as a bonus), and one of his customers tell him that the only way to charge the battery inside the flashlight was using that bonus. None of his customer Type-C cable works, like mine.
So I bought my friend’s Type-C cable (fortunately he had a bunch of them) for less than a buck and it works!
This only can be a reference as I’m not sure that this similar problem appear in all FT02S/EA01 or not.
Wait, no…
Now my other Type-C cables are working too. I don’t know what happen right now.
Will follow up after the real problem found.
what part of UNIVERSAL are these non standard cable mfrs missing?
or nonstandard devices?
need to print the specs on a 2x4 and hit em upside the head till they “get it”
raspberry pi now flashlights.
a common cause of no charging is an improperly restrained connector breaking loose from the board.
common on cheap stuff.
Inferior or complete lack of service is a cost we all pay when we order lights from China. We have all experienced this.