Hi, as mentioned here, I have in my hands a fried 7135 magentic switch driver.
Is possible to repair the driver, since I can’t find a replacement?
Can anybody help me?
Where do people sell/manufacture these drivers???
Contact CNQG and ask if they can get you a new driver. If not, there probably will not be any direct deplacements for it.
Truthfully, I don't think you can. You could try replacing every single part with a new one but it would probably be easier to just buy a new light.
I have contacted RIC from CNQG and he told that this model has been discontinued:-(
Is so hard to find a part???
We are China industry supporters here!
It was probably a one time run of drivers, for that particular light. That would not be unusual.
Take close up pictures of the driver. I’ll tell you if I see anything obvious that can be easily replaced/repaired.
Unfortunately, Nothing obvious. It could be almost any of the parts on that board that went bad.
I will tell you that the driver failed, most likely, because it is a piece of dog dung. Seriously; Junk. Garbage. Crap…. They used the cheapest components in existence and had a one-armed two-year-old hand solder it together. Hate to tell you, but even if there were something obvious, it’s really not worth fixing…