Hello everyone. After my zebralight h603w passed away, I am in search of the headlamp to replace it.
Btw, the death looks causeless for me, so there is still a glimmer of hope to bring it to life. If you know about anything like hidden lock mode, which is not mentioned in the manual, but let me turn the unresponsive light on, I would be more than happy.
I have used ZL for the trail running/backpacking and it was good enough. However, as it is time for a replacement, I would rather get a light with slightly more throw and maybe a little bit more lightweight. Getting the headbands with easier dismount and higher CRI may be a great bonus.
Talking about headlamps, it seems like I have opted for Skilhunt H04R RC, the version with orange peel reflector and Nichia 519A LED. As far as I understand, it suits all of my wishes and even has a mini version for even more lightweight. However, I am not sure about the lens. Some reviewers mentioned that the reflector gives only a little bit more throw, but significantly drops the flood, compared to the classic TIR. The flipping version looks precarious, but maybe I am overly cautious. In addition, I have found quite a number of cases of driver malfunctions after drops, so it would be great to understand the importance of this flaw.
All in all, I am still in search of a decent substitute, so I would be grateful for your recommendations. I am ready for more than doubling the price of h04, if it is worth it.