Replacing EagleTac T20C2 and Trustfire TR-3T6

This summer both my EagleTac and my Trustfire died on me. It was kinda embarrassing that we had to use the aa-battery powered torch of my girlfriend….

So I need a replacement for both these lights. It has been a while since I’ve bought a flashlight, so I’m really out of the game. Could you guys help me out. What I’m looking for:

Flashlight 1:

- Run on 1x1850

- Not to big, easy to carry as an every day light

- Reliable!

- Strong focussed beam (I believe you guys call this “throw”)

  • Max $80

Flashlight 2:

- Run on max 3x18650

- Strong wide beam (I believe you guys call this “flood”)

  • Max $40

Maybe I’ve got this all wrong and need to switch those maximum amounts. Or maybe there is a flashlight out there wich would fulfill all my lighting needs.

Thanks alot for helping me out! :smiley:

I guess the 3T6 could be easily repaired, if it is a real defect. Never heard of a failure, the replacement drivers cost about 6$ and are in my eyes dead reliable…

Have you checked your batteries? Which batteries have you?

Do you have some basic repairing/modding skills and a soldering iron and a multimeter?

One 18650 with good throw is could be a C8, look at the dimension and share if this is something which fits your needs. Most of the throwier lights have bigger heads/reflectors.
What about a electronic switch for modeselection like the convoy L4…

I thought the T20C2 was only available about 2 years ago. I can’t possibly see it being beyond the 10 year time period. Is it an XM-L or XP-G?

I’m wondering about the age of your ET T20C2???

How old is it? It has 10 year warranty ya know.

ETA: There was a T20C2 followed by T20C2 MKII.

Hi kreisler,

Do you like memorize when EVERY flashlight gets released? Or, only the Eagletacs :)?

Kreisel know all. He is psychic.

Hey Kreisel, when will I be able to get a Zebralight sc52xxxxxx that isn’t puke green or vomit yellow?

Please tell O great All Knowing Kreisel. H) H) H)

eta: sorrty for the hijack…now back on topic. 0:)

Nbabu can you provide more details on how the T20C2 died? Also you do know the T20C2 has a 10 year/lifetime warranty right?

The 3T6 died whilst opperating. I bumped the endpiece (where the switch is located) against my cars windscreen. Which didn’t crack or anything, so it was just a very light bump. But the lamp failed instandly.
By the way, a few months before this happened I couldn’t get the light working anymore on 3 batteries. So I removed one of the pieces of the light, and it did fine on 2 batteries. Before that, the light didn’t run a long time on 3 batteries on the highest setting. I thought this was because of the heat it produced.

I’ve got 2 eagletac batteries and 2 trustfire (the right ones). All of them work perfectly, because first the Eagletac light died before the Trustfire. And I used all the batteries in the Trustfire after that without any problems.

Do you know where I could get the replacement parts? And which parts should I get? I’m not very handy with a solderingtool, but I know enough people who are.

Thnx for the suggestions. I think I will try to fix my current lights and order one of those as a back-up/thrower.

The T20C2 just died on me. Without any warning or anything. As mentioned above, the T20C2 was the first to go, so I’ve tried the batteries in the 3T6 without any problems.

I wasn’t aware of the warranty, thank you very much! Now I know why the thing was so damn expensive! 8)

Thank all you guys very much for the great information! I’ll keep you all posted about the repairs, warranty and (posible) new lights… :face_with_monocle:

are you sure that the LED module (driver electronics) is defective?

you can take out the LED module and connect a battery directly to the pill with cables. if it lights up, then your problem is with the tail cap (pocket clip ring, switch retainer ring, ..) and not with the light engine. also watch

Sounds like the problem may be in your switches. They are the most common failure point. Do the lights work if you take off the tail caps and use a paperclip to make contact between the negative end of the cell to a part of the tail that is not anodized?

Thank you very much for the video. The tc20c2 is working again! It turned out to be the bump rubber on the back that shifted. I still have one problem though, the glass is ratteling in its socket. Does it need a rubber ring/bushing or something?

The 3t6 does work with the screwdriver trick. It also works when I screw the tailcap on. But when I switch it off and try to switch it on again, it doesn’t work. Seems like the issue is in the switch, but what can be done to fix this?

Sorry for the many questions, but I’m a total noob when it comes to fixing flashlights.

When you disassemble the head, then you'll see that the glass is *securely* fixed at its position in the socket. You need a special tool to loosen or tighten its position by screwing the aluminum retaining ring in either direction.

i don't know the name of the tool, i don't have such a tool. good luck

So the 3T6 works consistently and reliably when you directly ground the battery tube with the back of the last battery?
Does this occur in both 2 and 3 cell configurations?

Make some photos of the end of tube and of the inside from tailcap

Sorry for the late reply, been preoccupied with other stuff.

I cannot find my extention tube for the 3 cell configuration anymore. :zipper_mouth_face: Hopefully it will turn up when I reorder my house during the comming holidays. I will also make some pictures of the endtube and the tailcap of the 3T6.

My T20C2 died on me again. My girlfriend was so sweet to wash my clothes, to bad the flashlight was still in my pants…… :frowning:
I checked it with the grounding trick, but that doesn’t work anymore. So I think there is something wrong with the driver or the led itself. Maybe one day I will try to get it working again, but I decided I’m gonna get another light that meets my needs better.

So here is the plan. I’m going to get a smaller 18650 light. I noticed I like to carry a torch with me on holidays, and the T20C2 is just a bit to big for that. So I want a torch wich I can fit nicely into my trouser pocket. I think you guys call it an EDC?
I was looking on this and other forums for advise which one to buy. And looking at my budget and the reviews, I think I’ll order the Convoy S4 XM-L U2-1B at 2.8 amps.

When I can’t get my 3T6 working again, I will replace it with a light with a nice balance between flood and throw. I think I’ll replace it with one of these:

- Solarstorm SP03

- SkyRay Kung

  • Solarstorm L3
    But then I’m also going to get some new (and protected) cells and probably a new charger as well.

What do you guys think, is it a good idea to get the Convoy S4 or are there better alternatives?

What do you guys think of my “big flashlight” plans? Which should be best?

For a small light the dqg is the smallest 18650 light. Use bgfmc coupon for a price around 37$
But small and bright always means that it is not so throwy…

For a bigger light a king or Kung is a good replacement for a 3T6.

For batteries a pair protected ncrbs is around 15$ depending on the actual promotions from wallbuys or banggood.
Wallbuys around 15.1$ with coupon WALLBUYSALLMAGIC
Banggood has them for 16.5$….
If you are in the US the user RMM has a store too. This is maybe the fastest option.

Thanks for the suggestion. Damn that light is small!

In terms of light strenght and heat distribution, do you know how at compairs to the Convoy S4? And what about the Olight s20, is that a good choice?

For a bigger light, I just cannot justify the price difference between the Solarstorm SP03 and SRK. Though the performance, shape and styling of the SP03 are appealing. I like the look and simple UI of the Black Shadow Darth as well, but I have no idea how it compares to the other 2?

To sum things up, whoch would you guys choose?
Small edc: Convoy S4/Olight S20/DQG tiny made my choice….Nitecore P12.
Big light: SkyRay King/Solarstorm SP03/Black Shadow Darth

And maybe later a single 18650 thrower. Maybe a Tangsfire C8 or something.

Update: As you can see I went with the Nitecore P12 as an EDC. More expensive and a bit taller, but alot more light imho. Still alot less expensive than my T20C2 was. Saw the comparison film on youtube between the P12 and Fenix PD35 This one The Nitecore has everything I’m looking for.

The big light will have to wait till the new year. :beer: