Rest In Peace Old Lumens

Hello, Dale here. I’ve meant to do this for quite some time and life has just kept getting in the way.

As many of you know, Old Lumens was very key to this forum taking some of the directions we went. He encouraged us to create, get to work with our hands and improve flashlights. He helped many of us learn to stack 7135 chips for power gains, modify Maglights to all sorts of end results, and in general… encouraged us to be a family. And of course, started the Flashlight Build Challenge.

Justin didn’t actually keep and use the lights, he modified as a hobby, staying active and busy. He also set up cameras on hummingbird feeders so his wife, Val, could easily watch their mesmerizing antics. And he was a butterfly watcher. Even identified a species in North Texas that got him in the journals.

To this end, I wanted to establish his final resting place in the flowers, amongst the butterflies he so loved watching. It was a rather surprising turn of events that I found myself in possession of Justin’s cremated remains after Val passed away. Which brings us here, the closing chapter of his life with us.

I know Justin, as Old Lumens and as a true good friend, will never be forgotten.

Rest in peace Justin.

He was well known for saying… “It is what it is.”

Thank you Justin for all you did for us. We are so much better for your efforts.


32 Thanks

Rest in Power, OL! :+1:

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Wow. What an honor! Thank you for this Dale. I know it was tough thing you did but it’s amazing that a website can bring people so close together as to get to this point. You guys are both rockstars here and we’re all grateful for you. Thank for everything OL…

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Thank you so much Dale for sharing with us!:blue_heart:
This is a true honor for you!
A big hug from Rome

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May the light be with you OL!

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RIP good sir

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Wow how awesome is that! I believe nothing happens by chance or accident, and that there’s no fate in this life. So glad you got to be a part of that final chapter.

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RIP OL. Nice job db.

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Thank you so much DB. Old Lumens was a mentor to me and many others. I have several of his human lathed maglites and they are some of my most cherished possessions. It always seemed that when my chronic insomnia was keeping me up way late on weekends that would be when Justin would just put a light up for sale out of the blue. RIP Justin.

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RIP Justin, Thank you DB

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maybe he will be turned into New Lumens next!

Thanks for posting his remembrance. Hardly a day passes where I dont think of him. Several of my light mods were based upon his personal encouragement, build suggestions and stubborn advice. I visit them daily to swap out a light or 2 from the shelf and still recall our conversations as if they happened yesterday. I was not aware of his wife’s passing, nor your strange turn of custodial events. What an honor and a thoughtful gesture on your part. Well done, Dale.

Perhaps he stands as the designated Co-Father of BLF, along with Mr. Admin. One being notoriously more grumpy than the other! :yum:

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Thank you Dale.

RIP Old Lumens.

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We are a big family.

RIP Old Lumens

Thank you Dale

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I’m sure Justin appreciates your thoughtfulness to place him with the flowers and butterflies.

He was certainly an icon… no, ‘the’ icon of BLF.

Thanks Dale

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RIP Old Lumens

Thanks Dale

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What a wonderful and thoughtful way to honor your friend.
I’m sure OL is well pleased.

Thank you for sharing.

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Dale, that was a beautiful tribute and a perfect resting place for our old friend. That whole scenario is so very surreal in my memory. I still can’t believe what a big place in my life BLF held for many years. Getting to know you, Justin and so many others and be welcomed here truly made this community family. Losing Justin and then getting to know Val as a dear friend only to lose her too was a lot. So much that I stopped posting here for several years. Life is different for me now and I can’t be here often but I hope all my old friends here (you know who you are) know that I still think of you fondly and often. BLF will always be family to me.

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Rest in Peace

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RIP Old Lumens. Thanks DB. What a great community this is. Best to all.

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