Restore a dead emisar D1S

Hi, I have a dead Emisar D1S. The driver appears to have kicked the bucket. No voltage to the LED. Don’t really have any idea why. It would be a shame to not fix it so I am looking for a driver. While I am at I figured I would ask if there are any upgrades available. Maybe ever do an emmiter swap if I can either get it to be brighter or throw further.

Does anyone have any recommendations as what drivers and emmiters I should look into? It’s been a while since I have looked into drivers and LEDs.

3 Thanks

That’s a real shame, I really like the D1S formfactor.

Have you emailed Hank at intl-outdoor to ask if he’s got one that’ll fit?

Bunch of newer high output LEDs on the market, unfortunately pretty much all available in coolish neutral to cool white though…

I agree with gravelmonkey, you should email Hank and ask if he has any parts available that would fit. Just be clear what model it is, maybe include a picture. He responds pretty quickly at allowing for time zone differences.

Also, welcome to BLF!

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Following, i have a bunk D1s as well. I would love it to have new life. Artie59 over on Reddit does repairs as well, i may hit him up.

Welcome on BLF !

Hi Brightadventures welcome to BLF

I would recommend you to send Hank a message. AFAIK the linear d4v2/d1v2 driver fits in the original driver pocket but you’ll need to either reuse the old button or modify the button pocket to fit a newer style backlit button. If you want to upgrade it to a backlit button or boost driver, I recommend ArtieT59 on reddit, he revived my old D4S after its driver got a short.

There’s also plenty of newer LEDs to use in it, but most are cool white, though they throw pretty far. For throw, you could go with the Osram W1 (more throw less lumens) or W2 (more lumens less throw) or a Luminus SFT40 (lots of lumens, less throw). If you want a warmer cct or high-cri, a dedomed Nichia 519a would work well, perhaps a 719a (like a 6v xhp35 in R9050) once it releases, though it requires a boost driver and I’m not sure the driver fits.

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Like others have said, email Hank at and be specific with what you have including pictures. He will get back to you.

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Thanks. I sent him a message and will see what he says.

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Not in my experience, I did exactly this with my D1S and got angry blue tint on higher levels, from overdriving the LED.

Did use a copper DTP board from Kaidomain or Intl-outdoor (I forget which), I just think the D1S is too much for the 519a.

You need to use the right driver for the LED, if you’re 519a swapping it you have to replace the driver for a new 5A linear driver (white PCB) instead of the original 7135+FET.

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Hank had a driver. I ordered it, once it come in I will try and replace it.

3 Thanks

Good luck with the repair.

Those are worth it.

And if anyone is ever looking to part with one - broken or not - feel free to hit me up :innocent: