Review: Convoy L6 XHP-70 (2x 26650/18650)

I pushed some things for another day. :slight_smile:

This was a good opportunity to test my new and improved setup and equipment. I can measure moon modes now! :+1:

75F ambient. 4.17v initial charge. Output % is calculated based on the max output in turbo. I labeled approximate lumen output at 30 seconds and every hour thereafter. No fan was activated. LVP kicked in at 4 hours and 12 minutes.

Thanks for the graph man! I wish the graph was completely flat, but the results are awesome none the less! Over a thousand lumens for 3 hours, and then over 4 hours of runtime is unreal! Iā€™m using the 5200 keeppowers, so I would expect maybe 20 extra minutesā€¦ do you think thatā€™s about right?
Whatā€™s even crazier is that the level before it is around 175 lumens for over 30 hours!

That double click on the side (top) switch to get into strobe modeā€¦.is that from any mode,or is that only after turbo mode? Thanks,HB

I appreciate that the L6 on running at the second highest setting keeps the temperature at under 46C. :slight_smile:

Any mode Hot Brass.


Well there can be some variability in cells. For instance, the Liito 5000 cells have been measured from 5100 to over 5500mAh. My cells measured 5130 and 5205 at 1Amp on the Opus 2.2 charger.

5200mAh KP could last longer or maybe less. Besides, youā€™ll probably kick it into turbo a few times while using it right? :slight_smile: I know I always find a reason to blast the max output at something. :smiley:

I had no idea about the first part, but the second comment couldnā€™t be more true! LOL! Can any of us hold back from blasting the Max output from time to time? I know I canā€™t be the only one who flexes the shit outta his lumens every once and again! lol

Very nice review on a top-tier light, donā€™t know how Iā€™ve missed this for so long! Detailed and thorough with informative run-time graphs, this one should definitely be stickied! Nicely laid out pics too, well done! :wink: