Review: Convoy L6 XHP-70 (2x 26650/18650)

Convoy L6


Battery: 2x 26650 (18650 can be used, not recommended)

Forward Tailcap Clicky (On/Off +momentary)

Electronic Side Switch (Modes)

Modes: 4+: Low - Medium - High - Turbo + Hidden Strobe
Mode Memory: Last Mode Memory
LED Type: XHP-70 Neutral White
Lens: AR Coated Glass
Reflector: Aluminum - Orange Peel
Price: $55.36
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The Convoy L6 has two switches. The switch in the tailcap is a forward clicky switch that offers a momentary on feature and controls power on/off. The electronic switch located on the side just below the heatsink fins on the head controls mode switching.

From off:

Half press and hold (no click) the tailcap switch to turn on the light at the last used mode. Release to turn off the light or press the switch further until it clicks to fully engage the switch. After the click the light will remain on when the switch is released.

While on:

Press the side switch to change modes. Cycling through Low - Medium - High - Turbo.

Click the side switch twice rapidly to activate strobe. A single click will return to the last mode used.

Press the tailcap switch until it clicks and release to turn off the flashlight.


Tailcap Amps measured with a clamp meter. Freshly charged LiitoKala 26650 5000mA cells.

All throw measurements are lux values taken at 7ft and calculated back to 1 meter (Rounded to the nearest hundred). Estimated Max Output (Lumens) values are calculated based on measurements taken 30 seconds after turn on and are obtained through a DIY 'pvc lumen tube' in an effort to achieve diffusion of dissimilar beam profiles. As such, these values should be taken as "rough approximations."

The following test took place in 75°F Ambient temperature, indoors, with very little air movement. The flashlight sits head facing down on a piece of glass that is recessed inside a 4" PVC pipe. A small fan directed at the flashlight is activated where indicated.

The Convoy L6 puts out some serious heat with it's serious output. Rapidly climbing until 16 minutes when the L6 has come 'too close for comfort' to dangerous temperatures for Liion cells and a fan is activated and remains on for the rest of the test. Interestingly, the output slowly jumps back up to a level just under the turn-on output before starting a slow decline. At 70 minutes the output begins declining rapidly until the Low Voltage Protection (LVP) kicks in and slowly strobes at the 80 minute mark. The cells measure 3.12v.


The L6 arrived in a generic brown cardboard box with ample protection with cutout foam on the inside. It took a pretty serious hit in shipping and remained pristine.

The anodization on this beast is just a glorious matte black. The machining is perfect. No sharp edges to be found.

The side switch sticks up a bit. It has a very tactile, satisfying, and audible click when pressed. Almost no squish to it. It is kind of difficult to find by feel.

Note: The smudges/shiny spots seen in a few of the pictures is thread grease. The only problem with this finish is that it holds oil/grease pretty well even after thoroughly wiping it down.

Can you see that? Most people can't. :) Gif explanation further down.

Would you look at that block style knurled tube. :love:

Some more grease. Argh!

Bare threads that thread into the head. Nice and square.

Back of the tailcap. The forward clicky switch has just a bit of travel before activating momentary, and a bit more to click. Spot on imo.

Factory Bypassed switch spring.

Factory Bypassed driver spring.

You see it now, right? ;) Just another indicator of how well this beast is machined. Pretty easy to miss. The tactical ring threads onto this spot if you so desire. I actually like the smooth ring myself.

Square, anodized threads for a physical lockout.

Don't accidentally turn this monster on while looking at the LED. 3500 lumens is not something you want to blast into your eyes. Trust me.

That scuff on the bezel is the only minor defect I've come across.

Now that's an LED! One big Ol' XHP-70.


From left to right: ThorFire C8s, Convoy L4 (2x 18650), Convoy L2 (Optional 2x block style tube), Convoy L6, Maglite 2D (MT-G2), DST.

Popped on the Tactical Ring and turned off the sun.

Convoy L2, Convoy L6, Maglite 2D, Nitecore TM16.


As with all beamshots in my reviews, every shot is taken using the same setting in manual mode.

The central tree trunk is about 50 yards away. The water line is about 35 yards away. The hanging tree limb in the upper left quadrant of the pictures is about 10 yards away.

The TM16 has a very bright, and very wide spill with a decently tight hotspot. The 2D Maglite modded with an MT-G2 at 5 Amps has a very floody 'hotspot' with a very wide spill. The Convoy L6 is pretty well in between both of them with a slightly larger hotspot than the TM16, and a comparatively dim and truncated spill. The Convoy L2 is in a completely different ballpark. The L2 is a super thrower with a very concentrated hotspot and a narrow and dim spill.

Convoy L6 - Medium - High - Turbo


The Convoy L6 is one of the best quality to cost ratio of any flashlight I've held. This thing just emanates quality from top to bottom. From every finely machined edge to the factory bypassed springs to the beautiful AR coated lens.

If you're looking for a high quality light with 3k+ lumens with decent throw and a great tint in a manageable size this beast just might be for you. :THUMBS-UP:

Nice review, I love my l6, I’m actually looking to sell my s70 it just sits around now may have used it 2-3hours tops compared to my l6. I don’t like lights with a turbo step down. Aggravates me to no end. When it gets to hot I’ll turn it down. That’s why I like the l6 turbo with no step down. The high heat won’t burn me. I have very callused hands from manual labor. Takes a lot to burn my hands.

the braided springs, were they done by you?

Good review, but I would disagree with your lumens estimate on low. Both by ceiling bounce, and visually, I estimate it at around 55-60 lumens rather than 22.

Nope, came bypassed in stock form.

I looked around a bit for a light with a 60lm mode. I found the EC4S, spec’d 80, measured 61 by flashlion.

I measure the EC4S’ low to be 68lm in the tube. Taking ceiling bounce numbers I get the L6 on low about 1/4 of the EC4S. My meter isn’t the best for low number measurements (i.e. Measuring low output by ceiling bounce), also why I can’t reliably measure sub lumen, but it seems like 22lm in my sample would be a fair estimate.

I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that it is higher though. I’m not using a calibrated integrating sphere or a certified lux meter.

Thank you unknown for including the Maglite in your photos for reference. I do not any of the other lights so, for me, the reference is lost without the Maglite.


You’re welcome. I always try to include at least one fairly common light in my comparisons. I know most people aren’t quite as crazy as some of us with 100some lights. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is a nice touch, it does give a fairly recognizable reference to almost anyone.

‘’At 70 minutes the output begins declining rapidly until the Low Voltage Protection (LVP) kicks in and slowly strobes.’’

Convoy L6 have low voltage protection ?

It does. The light cuts to a slow strobe as the low voltage indicator. You can half press the switch to get back into constant light. Utilizing a lower mode should give you some emergency light to pick up more batteries.

Yeah, when you put the L6 next to other led lights, you’re like wowwww that thing is huuuuge…that thing is bigggggg…woooaaaaahhhh. And when you put it next to a 2D Mag, you’re like hey wait a minute, it’s not that big at all…

…and just a little bit brighter :wink:

Indeed. Even brighter than the mods I made on it… which cost almost as much as a new L6.

I think that’s due to the head. You’re absolutely correct. The L6 appears to be huge, but it simply isn’t. My wife would argue with that though. She loves the C8 because it fits her hand better; it’s just the right light for her. We all have our druthers.

Nice review of an excellent light.

I’ve been trying to love the L2 lately in one 26650 cell configuration, and that configuration makes it a better light, at least for me. I can throw it in my barn jacket pocket as a spare to have a light with throw and not touch the side switch on the L6 as it hangs at my side. But as you wrote it’s an entirely different beam. The L6 is destined to be a classic light if it hasn’t attained that yet. But I think that it has for all the reasons that you state. Good review. Manual pix with no fiddling with the exposure is exactly the way to do it. Auto exposure pix are pretty much meaningless except for flood angle near as I can figure and even there they are close to useless except to show that the reviewer is trying to produce a good review.

I should probably get some replacement parts for the L6 to have them “just in case”. A spare L6 might also be a good idea.

BTW, I like the no step down also. I want to be in charge of making the decision. IF I ever need turbo for some unfathomable reason for an extended period of time, it’s an emergency use; meaning it’s life or limb that’s at risk. The light is disposable at that point, bio’ life and limb come first. I can get the light fixed or buy another if it melts down. I write that, but I can’t imagine any use that would require turbo for an extended period. It’s still nice to know how it behaves with it though. I still want it without step down, just as it is. I suspect, like you, I will always argue against step down for that reason. Kinda like what’s his name in “I Robot”.

Thanks a lot I did not know that L6 have LVP.

Thank you , again, unknown00101.
Your review (and others) made me feel good that I had ordered a L6. I had one on order for over a month, 5,000k model.
Well, it arrived yesterday and I took it out for a walk last night. It is as you stated……
I’ll be keeping an eye out for your other reviews.


Do you think you could do a runtime graph for the high mode?

I believe that will take around 4-6 hours to run and compile. It will be rather tough to fit in during the next week or two. I will put it on the list though.

Thanks man! I just got my 69.5mm protected keeppowers in yesterday and have never been so excited for batteries to charge in my life lol! This is the most impressive light I have ever seen in all my years wasting my money in this hobby! I even showed it to my gf and she was blown away. Thought that it looked “much more expensive” then my Nitecore TM03 (even though it was less than half the price) and was also impressed by the size (first time she’s ever said that to me before…. :slight_smile: LOL).
If only they added another output level of around 500-600, and then changed the first two levels to 5 lumens and then 100 lumens, and this light would be damn near perfect! Maybe the next version of it they could tweak the settings, who knows.
Great work on this review, and thanks again!