Upgraded Thorfire s70s

nno not yet, so am not entirely sure if the ring is the same on the S

My take on this :wink:
The S70s is a light from a proven good quality manufacturer based on an already proven good quality light, namely the S70.
It is a 4000 lumen XHP70 emitter light for $37, what”s not to like ?
It is as bright or brighter (to my eye anyway & mine hasn”t arrived yet for me to test the lumen output so I am going on the pictures & video on this thread) as the L6.
It will maintain turbo for longer than the L6 & high is higher than the L6.
Turbo & high are really the only modes I will use.
I am not interested in moonlight on a big light like this nor really any modes lower than high (that might just be me but that is how I will use it).
Is the L6 a “prettier” light than the S70s, well the L6 in clear anodising is certainly better looking :+1:
In black they are both big hefty lights & as they say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” so some will like the look of the S70s whilst some won”t.
I am very much a performance over looks type of person so it looks OK to me.
The L6 is $65-$70, I don”t know what discounts are available on that but from the advertised pricing the S70s is the best part of half the cost of the L6.
I am in no way knocking the L6 & if the S70s (I already have an S70) had not become available at the price it did I would have bought an L6, probably in clear & if possible with the illuminated mode switch which has been talked about.
But at $37 the S70s, to me, was a “no brainer”.
My 2 cents anyway :+1:

Your take on what? Which is better? I didnt think that was in question. They are both good. No denying that.

One of your facts is wrong, though. The L6 maintains turbo for longer because it has no step down while the S70s still does.

Another factor between the 2 is the new interface of the S70s. Some may like it, some may not.

Oh, don’t forget that parts are available for the L6, but not for the S70. That’s important for some, but not everyone.

I don”t know what all the arguing is about.
I didn”t say either was better than the other & said I am not knocking the L6.
I said that at the price ths S70s was a no brainer as far as I am concerned.
I am entitled to my opinion.
Yes the S70s has turbo kick down where as the L6 doesn”t but you can”t actually keep the L6 in turbo for longer than the S70s though can you as it becomes to hot before the S70s step down kicks in.
There have been several temp graphs posted showing the L6 gets a lot hotter a lot quicker than the S70s.
I am not here to argue, I just gave my opinion :wink:

You lost me. What’s going on? Where is an arguement?

Please tell me who is arguing and what they are arguing about.

If I am involved, I will clear things up quickly. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.

Those are not my numbers. The L6 user refers to unknown00101 in his review:

Review: Convoy L6 XHP-70 (2x 26650/18650)

Do you have any indication that zeremefico’s numbers from his home-made gadget are credible while unknown00101’s are not?

Yes, I believe zeremefico’s numbers are accurate and unknown00101’s are not. The explanation is that unkown00101 only measured turbo with his lux meter and then “interpreted” the other 3 levels based on tail cap amp draws.

Zeremefico on the other hand, measured all levels on both lights at the same time and in the same measuring rig. So this is a direct, apples to apples comparison.

Even if you ignore actual lumen numbers (in case his lux meter is not accurate, but still repeatable) you can still do a direct comparison between the 2 lights levels.

Well just had a knock at the door & look what has arrived (ordered 22nd February so 17 days after ordering) :slight_smile:

I have to go out shortly for the rest of the day but hopefully tomorrow I will be able to take some readings of the S70s & compare them with my S70.
Also a few beam shots if I get a chance :+1:

I didn’t get my light that I bougvht from Aliexpress… it was shipped and signed somewhere in TX, contacted them and they willing to refund me… I really wanted the light, I guess I’ll try my luck with Amazon then :person_facepalming:

I will do some lumen readings with my light tube which I have found to be pretty accurate

Do given Tech Specs change, like whether in full moon?

Nice BH!

What? Can you rephrase the question please?

That’s nice looking. I need to build one myself, something that will read the same regardless of the reflector size and shape.

Yes Jason it certainly seems to be pretty accurate & more importantly (for me) repeatable.
The inside is painted matt white & no light enters other than that from the light being tested.
I make up individual inserts for each light head to ensure a very good fit.
If I am doing a long run I also put a little fan at the side to help cooling a little.
It shows within 5% of manufacturer claims on known lumen lights & also agrees well with other members set ups that are better than mine.
For instance it showed 3860 lumens for my S70 when other members were reporting about 3800 lumens & my ANSI rated 1000 lumens lights show between 950-1050 lumens so it is plenty accurate for my needs which really are to measure output improvements after mods.
It only cost me about $12 for the pipe & rubber blanking cap, a few dollars for the foam inserts, plus the meter which was about $12-15 iirc so around $30 all in :+1:

Do you have to use a set multiplier or divider number on the lux meter results to calibrate it or do the lux meter numbers come out accurate on its own?

I have found that multiplying my lux reading by 5.26 gives me an accurate lumen figure.
I have come to this figure by testing over a dozen lights that either have ANSI ratings or known lumens.
Obviously each light tube/lux meter combination will need it”s own specific figure arrived at by testing multiple lights with known outputs.
I note for instance that Zeremifico multiplies his lux figure by 10 to get lumens.
I did note though that he just holds the light in the tube opening as opposed to having it in an insert so the light might move either in or out or the angle change & obviously light is bouncing out of his tube.
I do not know if this makes much difference to his accuracy but my lux figures are over double his.
My lights heads are held in my inserts so cannot move at all & no light escapes my light tube.
I just quickly did a lux reading on my S70s with a pair of Liitokala 26650”s showing 4.11v, so not quite fully charged.
The S70s showed 3898 OTF lumen.
I then tested my original S70 which had shown 3860 lumens previously on fully charged cells & with the same cells I got 3687 lumens.
I will re-test with fully charged cells later when I have the time.

Yeah new post, hoping it would be you Ian.
How about the button/switch operations, seems complicated so what is your take on it?
Mine still not here so I must console myself with reading :wink:

Don”t shoot me if this is wrong as I have only had a quick go with the light as I have been out all day :slight_smile:
From what I can see in normal operation turn the light on with the tail switch, the side switch illuminates & stays illuminated all the time the light is on.
Using the side switch press first time & low, then medium, then high, then turbo, then back to low & up again etc.
Turn off with the tail switch & when you turn back on then press the side switch you are in your last mode.
Long press in any mode turns the light off, side switch still illuminated, it only goes off if the power is turned off by the tail switch.
Second long press enters moonlight, short press turns moonlight off, another press enters last mode.
2 short presses enters strobe from any mode other than moonlight.
It is a bit “funky” but as I will probably only use high & turbo it is OK for me.
Oh the tail switch doesn”t feel as nice as the one on my S70 but I don”t know if this is the switch or just a thinner boot as I haven”t had a chance to dismantle the light yet.
It is not that the tail switch is bad it just doesn”t feel as nice.
I have just compared the tail switches & I think that the difference in feel is not the switch itself but that the rubber boot on the S70s is softer/thinner than on the S70.

Mine has arrived but I’m struck with the flu bug. Fun times….

Get well soon!

Ah BH I see so the side switch can be used as beacon, neat! Thorfire must have liked that from Narsil!