[Review] Fenix E03R v2.0

Received both unit of Fenix E03R v2.0 and the older Fenix E03R a approximately 2 weeks ago. Was supposed to finish testing and reviewing a week ago but due to some urgent project work, I had to delay the review. But this gives me opportunity of carrying both the Fenix E03R v2.0 and Fenix E03R and longer testing time.

Following is the comparison review of Fenix E03R v2.0 vs Fenix E03R:

Size Comparisons:


The usual disclaimer: I do not claim the above measured lumens as authoritative nor an indication of over/under-stating the number given by manufacturer. It’s calibrated against some known light output (e.g. SureFire, Elzetta, etc.) so take it with a grain of salt and just as a relative reading.

Runtime on High

Some Beam shots:

Both Fenix E03R v2.0 and Fenix E03R are good keychain EDC light. If you are looking for a longer runtime and brighter version, then the newer Fenix E03R v2.0 is the recommended model. However, if you use Red light most of the time and it’s one of the key feature that you look for in a keychain EDC light, then the “older-and-now-cheaper-if-you-can-find-one” Fenix E03R is the recommended model to own.

Thank you Fenix for the opportunity to test and review both Fenix E03R v2.0 and Fenix E03R.

Thank you for reading. Appreciate it.

To get your own unit of Fenix E03R v2.0, you can visit: Fenix E03R V2 Keychain Flashlight - Fenix Store

5 Thanks

Thank you for a wonderful review and comparison! Especially the side by side pictures.
Given how many “full size” lights I own and carry, I have a hard time admitting it, but my E03R is my most used light for about 3 years now. Hanging around my neck, and recently on a magnettic quick release, it is the fastest easiest light to use, and again, hate to admit, but 260 lumens is 90% of the time all the light I need.

I haven’t been sure about the V2.0, so again thank you. I now have a distinctive idea on the size/feel difference, I don’t think it would be bad. Not sure on mode memeory, most of the time I use the 1.0 on the two highest modes, but not sure I want it starting there. A bit worried 500 is too high, and 150 too low. would be nice if they’d kept the levels it had just adding the 500 on top lol.

Well anyway, that is all subjective, to my use. Still unsure but less so; you have given a great deal of useful information!

One question; can the breathing mode on the indicator be fully turned off?
That would be a distinctive deal breaker, as in would dray too much attention to the light, how I carry it.

Thank you so much for the kind words.
About the breathing mode, it could only be activated by double-clicking the switch from OFF mode, and turned OFF by holding down the switch for 0.5 second. If the E03R v2.0 is locked-out (press and hold the switch for >3 seconds while the light is OFF), then we cannot engage the breathing mode via the double-clicking method.
Hope this helps.