[Review] - Fenix PD40R

Review: Fenix PD40R

I got this from another member here recently. Good deal. Fast delivery. Always been a fan of the Fenix brand and really want to like this... but
Fit/Finish: Great. What you'd expect from Fenix
Size/comfort: This is great. It feels like a little baton. Seems more narrow than other 26650 lights. I have medium/large size hands, and not that I am ever interested in getting into a scuffle, but this is like holding a roll of silver dollars.
LED/Reflector: It's an XHP 70 so a big LED with a really nice somewhat deep orange peel reflector. Also, it's a bright white/blue light that I think would really disorient someone.
Buttons/UI: Here's the problem. Not the buttons, they are great, but the UI. I flipping can't use this thing! Ok that's not true. But there's no instant on. You have to hold it for a second or more to turn it on and off. also I always end up hitting the "mode" button then realizing I need the "on" then have to wait. I guess if this was my only flashlight I may get used to it.
I see this as a great light for walking from the gym or store to your car. good light, plus a little self-defense, but if it doesn't react quickly, which it doesn't, it also probably won't help me.
It may end up in a friend's stocking this Christmas.