Review: Foursevens Preon PenLight Olight P20 O'Pen (2xAAA, XP-G2)

I had one in my shopping cart at the old price (plus discount with coupon code). Was on the fence about ordering or not ordering one. Tried to checkout, but it updated things to the new price. Not really disappointed about it since it was just one of those, “should I buy it? i want it, but i don’t really need it.”

I feel a bit better knowing I got my I3S at the old less expensive price. I guess OLight doesn’t like their products being discounted/de-valued too much.

hkequipment still has them for $36.

Anyway, I’m sure fasttech will soon update the ‘PRICECONTROL’ coupon to cover the olights too.

How is reliable/fast is hkequipment compared to Fasttech? It’s about 37.95 after shipping, more than the old Fasttech price, but much cheaper than the new price.

I can say hkequipment is good company. I had my xeno e03 from them.

I have not dealt with them but they do get good reviews:

Thanks Chloe, fyesilova, kreisler and RedForest UK.

Lol, you answered me while I was entering my original thanks. I did edit it to include you :slight_smile:

I ordered a black one last week, at the good price, but it’s still showing as “Order Received” after 5 days. I think my last Dino order (Tank E09) shipped faster than that lol.

I opened a ticket with FT inquiring if there is a coupon code that will supply us with the original $35 price instead of the MAP enforced price. If I hear anything I will update in this thread.

I ordered in blue, my situation after four days also is “Order received”. This is strange, the flashlight listed as “in stock”. In FastTech this delay rarely happens. :weary:

Thanks, I would NEVER pay the kind of money any of the Dealers are charging for it now, it’s a PEN light…NOT worth it.

I think if Olight / 4sevens wants to control the price, no problem they won’t need to make another production run of these. I think we as the ones that buy this stuff ought to Vote with our wallets NOT to buy them. Then when there are enough of them stuck in the retail chain not selling, they will change their tune. Most likely one of the larger dealers over on CPF made the complaint, and I think I probably guess who it is, they ALWAYS have the highest price and even higher than MAP with everything on “sale” all the time, which is higher than anyone else s prices are. These are the same domestic clowns that charge $10.95 EACH for a Chinese Ultrafire 18650 3000mAh PLUS shipping, yea that’s a deal; it’s sold elsewhere @ $2 w/free shipping and it really is NOT 3000mAh as we all know. I’ve seen them crying on CPF before about prices……PM me if you want to know who they are. >)

I think I can guess who. The thing is, as with Nitecore, I really do like their products.

I sent Jasmine a message too so fingers crossed…

Hey, we’re among friends here - you can mention Battery Junction. :wink:

The Market Place rules the price, not what someone in China says; they ought to come over here and take a Marketing class or two, maybe they’d learn something, probably not though. Just like doing business is different in Asia, it is much different in the West then what they “know” about the rest of the world. The problem is simple though, we as consumers of these just have to Vote with our Wallets and not buy them. Besides the online community how would they even “market” their products like this?? NOBODY in a group of 3,000+ people I work with has ever seen or heard of these brands or the lights themselves. I’m always asked “Where do you always find this cool stuff?” So again back to Vote with your Wallet. I’ve never seen them advestised on TV, Newsprint or even in any of the popular brick & mortar stores WE are their Market.

EXCELLENT +1 :party:

I asked if there would be a code too, even thought I already made a purchase from hkequipment

Guess what guys (and girls) you can get it from HKE for the same $35, hurry before BJ crys about them too :bigsmile:

I really, really like that blue one… But $35 is iffy, any more than that is a big pass. It’s what 180 lumen, not even hi cri…

Yea I know what you mean, take a look at the DQG and the amount of light it puts out and it’s price, if 4sevens came out with that, it would cost $150+ :open_mouth: Maybe the answer is to have CNQG come out with a Pen style light.